AWS Machine Learning Blog

Category: Amazon SageMaker

Federated learning on AWS using FedML, Amazon EKS, and Amazon SageMaker

This post is co-written with Chaoyang He, Al Nevarez and Salman Avestimehr from FedML. Many organizations are implementing machine learning (ML) to enhance their business decision-making through automation and the use of large distributed datasets. With increased access to data, ML has the potential to provide unparalleled business insights and opportunities. However, the sharing of […]

Enable data sharing through federated learning: A policy approach for chief digital officers

This is a guest blog post written by Nitin Kumar, a Lead Data Scientist at T and T Consulting Services, Inc. In this post, we discuss the value and potential impact of federated learning in the healthcare field. This approach can help heart stroke patients, doctors, and researchers with faster diagnosis, enriched decision-making, and more […]

Best practices to build generative AI applications on AWS

Generative AI applications driven by foundational models (FMs) are enabling organizations with significant business value in customer experience, productivity, process optimization, and innovations. However, adoption of these FMs involves addressing some key challenges, including quality output, data privacy, security, integration with organization data, cost, and skills to deliver. In this post, we explore different approaches […]

Gemma is now available in Amazon SageMaker JumpStart 

Today, we’re excited to announce that the Gemma model is now available for customers using Amazon SageMaker JumpStart. Gemma is a family of language models based on Google’s Gemini models, trained on up to 6 trillion tokens of text. The Gemma family consists of two sizes: a 7 billion parameter model and a 2 billion parameter model. Now, […]

Set up cross-account Amazon S3 access for Amazon SageMaker notebooks in VPC-only mode using Amazon S3 Access Points

Advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are revolutionizing the financial industry for use cases such as fraud detection, credit worthiness assessment, and trading strategy optimization. To develop models for such use cases, data scientists need access to various datasets like credit decision engines, customer transactions, risk appetite, and stress testing. Managing appropriate […]

Efficiently fine-tune the ESM-2 protein language model with Amazon SageMaker

In this post, we demonstrate how to efficiently fine-tune a state-of-the-art protein language model (pLM) to predict protein subcellular localization using Amazon SageMaker. Proteins are the molecular machines of the body, responsible for everything from moving your muscles to responding to infections. Despite this variety, all proteins are made of repeating chains of molecules called […]

Automate Amazon SageMaker Pipelines DAG creation

Creating scalable and efficient machine learning (ML) pipelines is crucial for streamlining the development, deployment, and management of ML models. In this post, we present a framework for automating the creation of a directed acyclic graph (DAG) for Amazon SageMaker Pipelines based on simple configuration files. The framework code and examples presented here only cover […]

Supercharge your AI team with Amazon SageMaker Studio: A comprehensive view of Deutsche Bahn’s AI platform transformation

AI’s growing influence in large organizations brings crucial challenges in managing AI platforms. These include developing a scalable and operationally efficient platform that adheres to organizational compliance and security standards. Amazon SageMaker Studio offers a comprehensive set of capabilities for machine learning (ML) practitioners and data scientists. These include a fully managed AI development environment […]

How Axfood enables accelerated machine learning throughout the organization using Amazon SageMaker

This is a guest post written by Axfood AB.  In this post, we share how Axfood, a large Swedish food retailer, improved operations and scalability of their existing artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) operations by prototyping in close collaboration with AWS experts and using Amazon SageMaker. Axfood is Sweden’s second largest food retailer, […]

Streamline diarization using AI as an assistive technology: ZOO Digital’s story

ZOO Digital provides end-to-end localization and media services to adapt original TV and movie content to different languages, regions, and cultures. It makes globalization easier for the world’s best content creators. Trusted by the biggest names in entertainment, ZOO Digital delivers high-quality localization and media services at scale, including dubbing, subtitling, scripting, and compliance. Typical […]