
Cyber Essentials Plus is a UK Government-backed, industry-supported certification scheme introduced in the UK to help organizations demonstrate operational security against common cyber-attacks.

AWS's achievement of the Cyber Essentials Plus certification demonstrates our commitment to mitigate the risk from common Internet-based threats, within the context of the UK Government's 10 Steps to Cyber Security. It is backed by industry, including the Federation of Small Businesses, the Confederation of British Industry and a number of insurance organizations that offer incentives for businesses holding this certification.

Cyber Essentials sets out the necessary technical controls; the related assurance framework shows how the independent assurance process works for Cyber Essentials Plus certification through an annual external assessment conducted by an accredited assessor. Due to the regional nature of the certification, the certification scope covers the Amazon Web Services, Inc. corporate network in the United Kingdom and Ireland, excluding all other networks.

Cyber Essential Certified Plus logo
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