You want to build IoT applications? You want to improve your understanding of different IoT architectures and use cases?

Watch the presentations from the AWS IoT Web Day to learn about AWS Building Blocks for IoT including the recently launched AWS Greengrass. Dive deep into various industrial and smart home IoT applications and get an insight into some of the projects our partners are building on the AWS platform.

Speaker: Philipp Sacha, Solutions Architect, Amazon Web Services

IoT applications typically consist of multiple layers to collect, store and analyze or visualize data. In this session we will give an overview of AWS IoT, AWS Greengrass and other AWS services like Amazon S3, Amazon Kinesis, Amazon Athen, Amazon Redshift, Amazon Quicksight which can be used to build IoT applications.

Speaker: Scott Ware, Application Engineer, Intel Software

This session will provide an overview of Intel’s IoT solutions and how they integrate with AWS IoT and AWS Greengrass to provide a user-friendly and scalable solution from prototype to production.

Speaker: Jan Metzner, Specialist Solutions Architect IoT and Mobile, Amazon Web Services

In this session we will present IoT architectures and patterns used in various use cases. You will see how to deploy large scale serverless IoT applications at global scale. But also use cases where you don't have permanent internet connection, need local control and/or analytics.

Speaker: Dirk Rosenau, Head of Department Security Approvals, HSM, Product Test, Embedded Software, FP Inovolabs

IoT security is a critical issue to address when it comes to implementing an IoT Project. In this session we will present a case study of a successful implementation of security measures for sensitive-data transmission from end devices to an IT infrastructure: 200.000+ smart devices worldwide communicating securely money-value data, using the FIPS140-2 level 3 Hardware Security Module, since 15+ years. We will deep dive on the challenges and benefits of this technology, as well on the integration with the AWS cloud. We will also present the standard FIPS140-2, and its focus on the secure transmission of sensitive data.

Speaker: Jan Borch, IOT System Architect @ EMEA IOT Competence Center, Amazon Web Services

Data is the centerpiece of all corporate innovation projects and is an increasingly critical asset. It is impossible to start any analytics, data science or AI project without relevant datasets. Often this data source is the rapidly increasing output from sensors and machinery. In this talk, Jan Borch - IoT System Architect at Amazon Web Services - will present several real-life customer IoT use cases on how to ingest and handle such large streams of information at scale. He will close the session with a demo of a predictive maintenance use case where adding sensor data significantly improved the prediction accuracy.

Local compute, messaging, data caching, and sync capabilities for connected devices.

Run IoT applications seamlessly across the AWS cloud and local devices using AWS Lambda and AWS IoT.

Check out the AWS IoT Blog. Learn more about the Internet of Things and deepen your knowledge of AWS IoT applications.

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A collection of resources to help you find the information about IoT that you have been looking for. 

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