

ENGIE 建立數位平台以加速零碳排能源轉型 (採用 AWS 技術)

ENGIE 是一家總部位於法國的全球能源公司,致力於打造可再生和低碳分佈能源基礎設施,幫助客戶實現碳中和的願景。 

在這段影片中,數位與 IT 部門執行副總裁兼資訊長 (CIO) Biljana Kaitović 將介紹全球對能源的渴求,以及資料和數位技術在開發易於取得、價格實惠、安全及綠色能源方面所扮演的關鍵角色。

該公司在 Amazon Web Services (AWS) 上建立了一個「通用資料中樞」,以便更靈活地運用涵蓋數千個專案超過 1 PB 的資料。ENGIE 在巴塞隆納使用 AWS 技術 (包括 Amazon S3Amazon RedshiftAWS GlueAmazon SageMaker 等) 進行建置,將加熱和冷卻網路的能源消耗降低了 15%。

AWS 技術可協助 ENGIE 更高效地產生可再生能源,而 ENGIE 在美國、英國、義大利和法國為 AWS 提供風能和太陽能電力,幫助 AWS 達成以 100% 再生能源供應營運所需的目標。


我們的『通用資料中樞』採用 Amazon S3 建置,能夠提供我們所需的可擴展性、資料可用性、安全性及效能。」 

Biljana Kaitović
ENGIE 數位與 IT 執行副總裁暨集團資訊長

使用的 AWS 服務

Amazon S3


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Amazon Redshift


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AWS Glue


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Amazon SageMaker

建置、訓練和部署機器學習 (ML) 模型,用於具有全受管基礎設施、工具和工作流程的任何使用案例

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探索 ENGIE 使用 AWS 進行的創新之旅

更多 ENGIE 案例

Showing results: 1-4
Total results: 10


  • France

    ENGIE on AWS

    ENGIE is a global energy group working to accelerate the transition to a carbon-neutral world by offering low-carbon energy and services. It looks to Amazon Web Services (AWS) to help it innovate and achieve sustainability for its business and customers.
  • France

    AWS Announces Amazon DataZone

    At AWS re:Invent, Amazon Web Services Inc. (AWS), an Amazon.com, Inc. company (NASDAQ: AMZN), today announced Amazon DataZone, a new data management service that makes it faster and easier for customers to catalog, discover, share, and govern data stored across AWS, on-premises, and third-party sources.
  • United States

    ENGIE Creates Digital Platforms to Accelerate Zero-carbon Energy Transition, Powered by AWS

    ENGIE, headquartered in France, is a global energy company focused on renewable and low-carbon distributed energy infrastructures, helping its clients achieve a carbon-neutral future.
  • France

    ENGIE Builds the Common Data Hub on AWS, Accelerates Zero-Carbon Transition

    ENGIE, a global utility company, built its Common Data Hub data lake on AWS, enabling the company’s business units to collect and analyze data to support a data-driven strategy and to lead the zero-carbon transition.
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