Explore training based on your role
New to AI
For those seeking a beginner-friendly introduction to the topic of artificial intelligence (AI), including its fundamental concepts, applications, and potential impact.

Organizational leader
For leaders making strategic business decisions and steering their organization’s future. Find resources to understand how the technology can benefit your organization and how you can quickly upskill your workforce to bridge the skills gap.

For coding experts seeking to integrate the latest AI innovations into their workflows and toolbox.

ML specialist
Deep-dive content for ML experts to build, train, deploy, and customize large language models (LLMs) and foundation models (FMs) on AWS.

Getting started with AI
Explore digital courses to begin learning about AI
Learn by doing
Learn the fundamental concepts for leveraging AI by getting hands-on with these fun and interactive tools from AWS
What is?
Find easy-to-understand information about broad topics such as "What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?", "What is Machine Learning (ML)?" and "What is Generative AI?" These articles are intended to help you up-level your understanding of frequently asked AI topics.

AI training from AWS experts
Explore the latest AI and ML digital trainings available on AWS Skill Builder, our online learning center.

Generative AI training
Explore a collection of generative AI tutorials, courses, and learning materials to enhance your skills and stay ahead in this rapidly evolving field