Posted On: Mar 30, 2015

You can now perform in-place platform version updates to your AWS Elastic Beanstalk environments. For example, you can update an environment running version 1.0.0 of the Ruby 2.0 platform to version 1.2.1 of the Ruby 2.0 platform without having to create a clone of the environment. You click the “Change” button on the environment dashboard and select the new version of the platform using the AWS Management Console, or you can use the “eb upgrade” command using the EB CLI. Read more here.

You can also use the Elastic Load Balancing health check to determine when to continue on to the next batch of instances while performing rolling updates for configurations and platforms. Read the documentation here.

You can now abort platform, configuration, and application updates before they are complete. For example, you can abort a deployment for a bad application version that takes too long to deploy. Learn more about this feature.

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