Posted On: Nov 5, 2018

Amazon EC2 Spot Console now provides savings information for Spot Instances launched in your account, enabling you to quickly understand the cost savings achieved over On-Demand prices. Using the Spot console, now you can view the usage and savings information for Spot Instances at the fleet level, or for all the running Spot Instances. You can view the savings made in the last hour or the last three days, and you can view the average cost per vCPU hour and per memory (GiB) hour. You can also view the detailed usage and savings information for the individual instance types used per single Spot Fleet or for all the running Spot instances.

To start viewing the Spot savings information for Spot fleets, choose “Savings” for a selected Spot Fleet request under EC2 Spot Console. By default, usage and savings information is displayed for the last 3 days. To start viewing the Spot savings across all the running instances, choose “Savings Summary” under EC2 Spot Console.

EC2 Spot savings information is accessible only using EC2 Spot Console. EC2 Spot savings is now available in all public AWS regions.

You can learn more about this feature by reading the documentation page.