Posted On: Aug 8, 2019

Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) message filtering now supports attribute key matching. This feature lets you create an Amazon SNS subscription filter policy that matches incoming messages which contain an attribute key, regardless of the attribute value associated with this key. This feature lets you offload additional message filtering logic to Amazon SNS.

Amazon SNS message filtering lets you simplify your pub/sub messaging architecture by offloading message filtering logic from your subscriber systems as well as message routing logic from your publisher systems. Amazon SNS message filtering offers a variety of matching operators:

Amazon SNS is a fully managed pub/sub messaging service. You can use Amazon SNS topics to decouple message publishers and subscribers, and simultaneously distribute messages to multiple endpoints, such as Amazon SQS queues, AWS Lambda functions, HTTP endpoints, email addresses, and mobile devices (SMS text messages, mobile push notifications).

For more information, see Message Filtering and Subscription Filter Policies in the Amazon SNS Developer Guide.