Posted On: Nov 11, 2019
Developers can now include the Amazon Encryption SDK for JavaScript (ESDK) in production applications, the first time client-side encryption will be natively supported in-browser by the ESDK. This open-source release makes it easier for developers to encrypt and decrypt in a browser to protect sensitive data at the edge of the cloud. The AWS Encryption SDK is a client-side encryption library designed to make it easy for everyone to encrypt and decrypt data using industry standards and best practices. Now available in C, Java, JavaScript, Python and the Command Line Interface, all ESDKs are interoperable, meaning that data encrypted with the JavaScript ESDK can be decrypted by any other implementation, provided access to the keys is maintained. All implementations of the ESDK are open source projects available on GitHub where anyone can inspect the code and contribute to the project.
Get started by visiting the AWS Encryption SDK for JavaScript repository on GitHub. To learn more, see the ESDK for JavaScript Documentation.