Posted On: Dec 12, 2019

This Quick Start deploys an end-to-end .NET serverless continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD) pipeline on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud in about 40 minutes.

Using a combination of Microsoft Build Engine (MSBuild), code from GitHub, and AWS CodePipeline, this Quick Start automatically deploys your .NET application to the target environment. Whenever your GitHub repository changes, AWS CodePipeline fetches the latest code from GitHub and triggers other AWS services to build, test, and deploy the application to AWS Elastic Beanstalk.

This integration and delivery pipeline provides a scalable and reliable solution for adding application features, avoiding deployment downtime, and handling the complexity of .NET application updates. There are no build servers to manage, and customers only pay for what they use.

Because this deployment includes CodePipeline, it is not supported in all AWS Regions. For a current list of supported Regions, see AWS Service Endpoints.

To get started:

Quick Starts are automated reference deployments that use AWS CloudFormation templates to deploy key technologies on AWS, following AWS best practices.

This Quick Start was built by AWS solutions architects.