Posted On: Apr 21, 2020
Amazon QuickSight now supports stacked area charts, allowing display of cumulative totals of metrics over time with breakdown by specific categories. Authors can create a stacked area chart by selecting this new visual type from the the visuals menu, configuring the X-axis, metric and group-by dimensions. See here to learn more.
As part of this release, Amazon QuickSight also adds support for clickable legends, which allow one-click filtering and drill-through actions. Legends now provide access to a visual’s context menu with options to focus/exclude on the data point represented by the legend, navigate to external pages through URL actions or filter dashboard using action filters.
Lastly, QuickSight authors can now configure the minimum severity level of anomalies displayed within visuals. This allows authors to restrict anomaly detection results to high or high to moderate cases, instead of displaying all anomalies detected. See here to learn more.
Stacked area charts and clickable legends are available in both Standard and Enterprise Edition, while minimum severity of anomalies is available in Enterprise Edition in all supported QuickSight regions - US East (N. Virginia and Ohio), US West (Oregon), EU (Frankfurt, Ireland and London), and Asia Pacific (Seoul, Singapore, Sydney and Tokyo).