Posted On: Apr 3, 2020

AWS IoT Device Tester for FreeRTOS and AWS IoT Device Tester for AWS IoT Greengrass now support automatic updates for test suites.

Starting today, you will be notified about the availability of updated test suite on execution of a previously downloaded version of AWS IoT Device Tester (IDT). Upon execution of existing IDT version you will get an option to choose automatic update for test suite, or continue with using a previously downloaded version. If you choose automatic update, the test suites and configuration files within previously downloaded versions of IDT will be updated. If you choose to omit the automatic update, you can continue running previously downloaded versions.  

You can download and run AWS IoT Device Tester v3.0.0 for FreeRTOS to qualify FreeRTOS development boards for listing in the AWS Partner Device Catalog. You can also download and run AWS IoT Device Tester v3.0.0 for AWS IoT Greengrass to qualify AWS IoT Greengrass devices for listing in the AWS Partner Device Catalog.