Posted On: Jul 9, 2020

You can now use opt-out policies to opt out of storage and use of your content for continuous improvement of AI services such as Amazon CodeGuru Profiler, Amazon Comprehend, Amazon Lex, Amazon Polly, Amazon Rekognition, Amazon Textract, Amazon Transcribe, and Amazon Translate. Previously you could opt-out by contacting AWS Support. This new feature enables self-service opt-out by configuring an organization policy that enforces your chosen setting on all accounts within the organization. You can choose to opt out of data use for an individual AI service, or for all of them at once. In addition, you can query the effective policy applicable to each account to see your chosen setting.  

Refer to the documentation to create AI services opt-out policies and attach them to your organization using the AWS Organizations console or programmatically via the AWS SDK. You can also refer to the documentation for more examples on usage of the policy.  

AWS Organizations helps you centrally govern your environment as you grow and scale your workloads on AWS. Using AWS Organizations, you can automate account creation, create groups of accounts to reflect your business needs, and apply policies for these groups for governance. You can also simplify billing by setting up a single payment method for all of your AWS accounts.