Posted On: Aug 10, 2020

AWS Glue version 2.0 featuring 10x faster Spark ETL job start times, is now generally available. With Glue version 2.0, job startup is faster and more consistent. In addition, AWS Glue version 2.0 Spark jobs will be billed in 1-second increments with a 1-minute minimum rather than a 10 minute minimum. As a result, customers can now run micro-batch, deadline sensitive, and interactive workloads more cost effectively. Customers can run micro-batch jobs to quickly load data lakes, data warehouses, and databases and enable real-time analytics. With faster job start times, customers can run SLA driven data pipelines more reliably. Faster job start times also enable interactive data exploration and experimentation. 

This feature is now available in US (N. Virginia, Ohio, N.California, and Oregon), Europe (Frankfurt, Ireland, London, Paris, and Stockholm), Asia Pacific (Hong Kong, Mumbai, Seoul, Singapore, Sydney, and Tokyo), Canada (Central), Middle East (Bahrain) and South America (Sao Paulo). 

To learn more about using Glue version 2.0 for your existing or new AWS Glue Spark ETL jobs, visit our documentation.