Posted On: Dec 2, 2020

We are excited to introduce three free digital courses to help you learn how to order, configure, deploy, manage, and return AWS Snowcone edge computing and storage devices. Designed for storage engineers, cloud architects, and migration engineers, these introductory and intermediate courses include reading modules, video demonstrations, and quizzes. The time required to complete each course ranges between 50 and 90 minutes.

The AWS Snowcone Getting Started introductory course explores common use cases, benefits, and pricing fundamentals. The AWS Snowcone Logistics and Planning intermediate course explains how to order a Snowcone through the AWS Console and the logistical steps to prepare and return a Snowcone to AWS. The Using AWS Snowcone intermediate course covers deployment best practices, data synchronization options, and ways to use AWS OpsHub to synchronize your data.

AWS Snowcone makes it easy to collect, process, and move data to AWS—and these digital courses make it even easier to get started. Sign up now: