Posted On: Nov 12, 2020

AWS RoboMaker WorldForge now supports tag-on-create for 3D simulation worlds, world generation jobs, and world export jobs. RoboMaker WorldForge is a capability that makes it faster, easier, and less expensive to create a multitude of 3D simulation worlds for testing and training robots. By tagging worlds at the time of creation, you can eliminate the need to run custom tagging scripts after world creation, which can save time and make it easier to manage simulation worlds.  

Tags are simple labels consisting of a customer-defined key and an optional value that make it easier to manage, categorize, filter, and search resources. Now, you can automatically tag hundreds or thousands of simulation worlds, and quickly search, identify and categorize specific worlds based on the tags that you have assigned. You can define the tags in the world creation template or add additional custom tags while generating the simulation worlds. You can assign your tags to all of the worlds you create using your template. 

AWS RoboMaker is available in US East (N. Virginia), US East (Ohio), US West (Oregon), EU (Ireland), EU (Frankfurt), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), and Asia Pacific (Singapore) regions. To get started, please explore the RoboMaker webpage or start generating simulation worlds in the AWS RoboMaker console.