Posted On: Jan 25, 2022

Amazon Lightsail now provides you with the ability to optimize the delivery of your containerized applications to your global audience by using Lightsail CDN with your Lightsail Container Services. Lightsail containers can be configured as the origin of a Lightsail CDN distribution with just a few clicks from the Lightsail console.

Lightsail CDN is backed by Amazon CloudFront, Amazon Web Services’ CDN platform that uses a global network of servers in over 300 locations across 47 countries to store and deliver your content throughout the world. So, with Lightsail CDN, you can not only improve the scalability and availability of the static applications running on Lightsail containers but also accelerate the delivery of dynamic applications using Amazon’s global network. You can either use a predefined caching configuration offered by Lightsail CDN or define a custom caching behavior based on your application needs.

Lightsail CDN offers three fixed-price data plans, including an introductory plan that’s free for 12 months, allowing you to predict your costs and pick the right plan based on your needs. Check out the documentation to learn how to create and configure a Lightsail CDN distribution with a Lightsail Container Service.