Posted On: Mar 17, 2022

Starting today, customers can use AWS Billing Conductor to easily provide customizable pricing and cost visibility for their end customers or business units. The AWS Billing Conductor does not impact the billing and invoicing relationship between customers and AWS. AWS Billing Conductor is intended for customers who have specific showback and chargeback needs.

Using AWS Billing Conductor, customers can logically group accounts by financial ownership, control the price those accounts see in the Billing console and Cost and Usage Report, as well as distribute credits, fees, and shared services costs.

For example, customers can share Reserved Instances and Savings Plans saving across accounts in a decentralized manner, having all commitment-based discounts shared only within a specific set of accounts.

AWS Billing Conductor is available in all public AWS Regions, excluding the China (Beijing) and China (Ningxia) Regions. To learn more about AWS Billing Conductor, visit the product page, the blog post, or review the User Guide and API Reference.