Posted On: Jul 1, 2022

Today, AWS announced the ability to toggle routes on and off when using AWS Migration Hub Refactor Spaces. This feature lets customers create inactive routes which can be activated after creation once the route’s targeted service is ready to receive traffic. Customers can use route toggling to fine-tune their routing approach and deliver just-in-time route changes as applications are incrementally refactored.

AWS Migration Hub Refactor Spaces is the starting point for incremental application refactoring to microservices in AWS. Refactor Spaces automates the creation of application refactor environments including all of the infrastructure, multi-account networking, and routing to incrementally modernize. Use Refactor Spaces to help reduce risk when evolving applications into microservices or extending existing applications with new features written in microservices. Now, with the ability to update Refactor Spaces Routes, customers are able to create inactive routes (no traffic is sent to the route) and set the route as active at a later time to start traffic flow. For example, this gives customers more flexibility when deploying a service, further decoupling the software development life cycle from the original monolith. Customers can also reduce risk by toggling routes on or off when issues arise. For instance, if a service is experiencing an issue, customers can deactivate the route to the service and have traffic fall back to default route.

The ability to update routes is now generally available in the same regions as Migration Hub Refactor Spaces: US East (Ohio), US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), Asia Pacific (Singapore) Asia Pacific (Sydney), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), Europe (Ireland), Europe (Frankfurt), Europe (London), and Europe (Stockholm). To learn more and start planning your application refactor with AWS today, see the Migration Hub web page and the Update Routes feature in the Refactor Spaces documentation.