Posted On: Nov 29, 2022
Amazon QuickSight Q now includes artificial intelligence (AI)-enhanced automated data preparation, making it fast and straightforward to augment existing dashboards for natural language questions. Preparing data for natural language query takes time and effort. Authors must imagine terms their users will input and manually replicate field names and data type information from their dashboards.
Automated data preparation for QuickSight Q saves authors time by automatically selecting fields, classifying dimensions and measures, creating name labels, and applying column value formats. It also enriches topics with related synonyms for fields, semantic type, and default date information, improving the ability of QuickSight Q to match results to users’ intent out of the box. A new step-by-step workflow explains how topics work and gives tips to improve results. Authors can now quickly create topics directly from analysis. Adding convenience, QuickSight Q automatically presents the topic above the dashboard in the QuickSight Q bar. Authors can also now add QuickSight Q results to analysis, facilitating quick creation of visuals using natural language.
QuickSight Q is available in the following AWS Regions: US East (Ohio), US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), Asia Pacific (Mumbai), Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Sydney), Canada (Central), Europe (Frankfurt), Europe (Ireland), and Europe (London).
Automated data preparation for QuickSight Q is available at no additional charge with a QuickSight Q subscription. Get started with a free trial of Amazon QuickSight Q.