Posted On: Nov 16, 2022

AWS Microservice Extractor for .NET is an assistive tool that simplifies refactoring monolithic .NET applications into independent microservices. With this new feature, Microservice Extractor helps extract source code segments as microservices or shared libraries from legacy ASP.NET Web Forms and Windows Communication Foundation (WCF)-based applications, and ports those directly to modern cross-platform .NET. The new capability enables developers to refactor older, Windows OS-dependent applications with minimal rewrite to newer .NET running on Linux containers, thereby reducing costs and improving performance.

Since the early days of .NET Framework, ASP.NET Web Forms and WCF-based applications had been powering enterprise business applications. With the arrival of cross-platform .NET, no new features have been added to Windows OS-dependent Web Forms and WCF. Developers cannot take advantage of simpler development models and better syntax available in newer C# versions. All the performance and security-related improvements on cross-platform .NET are off limits to such legacy applications.

With Microservice Extractor adding the capability to extract and port business logic to newer cross-platform .NET, developers can now perform continuous, iterative modernization to gradually migrate off legacy ASP.NET Web Forms and WCF stacks. Microservice Extractor follows a strangler fig pattern, where developers progressively create a new application around the edges of the old, letting it grow until all application capabilities are ported, and the old application becomes obsolete.

Learn more on our product page and in the documentation, and download Microservice Extractor today and start modernizing your .NET applications with AWS.