Posted On: Dec 15, 2022

Today, AWS Marketplace launched automated emails to communicate relevant details to buyers and sellers once a private offer is successfully created and available for subscription. With this launch, buyers can now directly receive a private offer deep link from a seller, allowing them to promptly review and accept a private offer. ISVs and channel partners can now receive details like the offer ID when an offer is created, enabling them to initiate procurement workflows, internal order creation, and deal tracking. 

At launch, buyers will be notified at the default email address associated with the AWS account ID targeted by the private offer. ISVs and channel partners can optionally update or add up to 10 email addresses for email notifications using AWS Marketplace Management Portal. Email recipients can opt-out of these notifications by using the unsubscribe path defined in the emails. 

To learn more about specific notification event types and how to get started, please review the AWS Marketplace Seller Guide and AWS Marketplace Buyer Guide.