Posted On: May 24, 2023

Today, AWS Amplify is announcing Authenticator UI component for Swift and Android. Developers can now use the Authenticator UI component to build end to end login/registration workflows for their Amplify powered Swift and Android projects in minutes. Moreover, the Authenticator UI component sets up the sign in and sign up workflows based on the existing auth configuration right out of the box. This UI component is built entirely using native SwiftUI and Android Jetpack Compose components, so developers can provide a user experience tailored to the Swift and Android platforms that their users feel most comfortable with.

The Authenticator UI component automatically handles the login fields like email, username, and phone number based on the Auth configuration set up via the Amplify Command Line Interface (CLI). Developers can also apply custom theming to the Authenticator UI component.

Follow along this blog to learn how you can use the Authenticator UI component or get started from the Authenticator UI component documentation for Swift and Android.