Posted On: Jun 12, 2023
Amazon EventBridge Archive and Replay is now available in the Europe (Spain), Europe (Zurich), and Asia Pacific (Hyderabad) AWS Regions, making event-driven applications more durable and extensible by providing an easier way to replay past events. Archive and Replay enables you to build applications that can more easily recover from errors and also allows you to more easily validate new functionality in your applications.
The Archive and Replay feature is integrated with the Amazon EventBridge serverless event bus, which enables you to create scalable event-driven applications by routing events between your own applications, third-party SaaS applications, and other AWS services. You can set up routing rules on the bus to determine where to send your events, allowing for application architectures to react to changes in your systems as they occur. Event buses make it easier to build event-driven applications by facilitating event ingestion, delivery, security, authorization, and error handling.
To learn more about Amazon EventBridge, please visit our documentation or get started in the AWS console.