Posted On: Jun 27, 2023

Today, we are announcing general availability of watchOS and tvOS support for AWS Amplify for Swift (>= v2.12.0)! This launch enables developers to build cloud-connected apps for Apple Watch and Apple TV devices. Developers can now leverage the power of Amplify from one Swift project and build across iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS platforms for production workloads.

Starting today, developers can use Amplify Library for Swift via the Swift Package Manager to build apps for iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS platforms to build features such as Authentication, Storage, Geo and more. Developers can use their existing cloud resources or use the Amplify Command Line Interface (CLI) tool to configure new resources to enable their use cases. With the Amplify Library for Swift, developers will also have direct access to the underlying AWS SDK for Swift through the escape hatch to unlock additional capabilities from AWS services.

You can follow this blog post on how to use Amplify for your Swift project targeting iOS, macOS, watchOS and tvOS. You can also  refer to Amplify Library for Swift documentation to learn more.