Posted On: Oct 17, 2023

Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) now supports a Dedicated Log Volume for PostgreSQL, MySQL, and MariaDB databases. An Amazon RDS Dedicated Log Volume allows customers to select a configuration where the most latency sensitive components of their database, the transaction logs, are stored in a separate, dedicated volume. Dedicated Log Volumes work with Provisioned IOPS storage and are recommended for databases with 5,000 GiB or more of allocated storage.

Databases with high transaction rates can be impacted by database transaction commit latency variations, which most often occur on databases with large storage volumes, high IOPS requirements, or latency sensitive workloads. Dedicated Log Volumes provide a separate volume for your transaction logs, thereby removing potential collisions with database queries and data updates. This improves database transaction commit latency times, and reduces IOPS requirements for the database data volumes.

Amazon RDS Dedicated Log Volumes are now available in all commercial Regions, including the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions. Learn more in our documentation, or enable a Dedicated Log Volume on your database.