
Ryanair verbessert den Kundensupport mit Amazon SageMaker

Mithilfe von Amazon Lex und Amazon SageMaker hat Ryanair einen Chatbot entwickelt, der den Kundensupport verbessert und Kunden hilft, schnell und einfach Antworten auf ihre Fragen zu finden.

Ryanair ist Europas größte Fluggesellschaft und fliegt jährlich mehr als 150 Millionen Passagiere auf 2 400 täglichen Flügen zu mehr als 200 Zielen. Das Unternehmen arbeitete bei der Bereitstellung seiner Lösung mit dem AWS-Partner-Netzwerkpartner Cation Consulting zusammen.


Wir wollten die von AWS unterstützte KI-Technologie nutzen, um das Kundenerlebnis zu verbessern.

Lee Reddin
Head of Service Design, Ryanair

Verwendete AWS-Services

Amazon SageMaker

Amazon SageMaker ist ein vollständig verwalteter Service, der eine breite Palette von Tools vereint, um leistungsstarkes, kostengünstiges Machine Learning (ML) für jeden Anwendungsfall zu ermöglichen.

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Amazon Lex

Amazon Lex ist ein vollständig verwalteter Service für künstliche Intelligenz (KI) mit fortschrittlichen natürlichen Sprachmodellen zum Entwickeln, Erstellen, Testen und Bereitstellen von Konversationsschnittstellen in Anwendungen.

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Total results: 139

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  • Asia Pacific

    Korean Airlines on AWS

    In 2018, Korean Air began migrating its entire IT infrastructure to the cloud. Then in 2021, it became the first global, full-service carrier to complete an all-in migration to Amazon Web Services (AWS). As an innovator in the aviation industry, Korean Air chose to build on AWS, and it launched its new website and mobile app 90 percent faster than possible with its former on-premises infrastructure. Continuing to innovate on behalf of its customers and workforce, the airline is developing an online one-step buying option and AWS-powered machine learning tools to create predictive, pre-emptive maintenance for its aircraft fleet.
  • Australia

    Lonely Planet cut itinerary generation costs by 80% using Amazon Bedrock

    Lonely Planet, is a premier travel media company tested multiple generative AI solution vendors and found Amazon Bedrock to be 78% more cost-effective for their travel use case. Further to that, they were able to generate experiences and itineraries at 80% less the cost of manually curating them.
  • Americas

    United Airlines on AWS

    United Airlines is leading modernization in an industry that’s embracing change. The largest airline globally by number of seat miles, its mission is to “Connect People, Uniting the World.” Migrating tens of hundreds of applications to Amazon Web Services (AWS) has helped the business accelerate innovation, even in the midst of challenging market conditions. From supporting its technology team to save $2 billion and boosting developer productivity 40 percent, to using generative artificial intelligence (AI) to streamline passenger record processes and save months of manual effort. With services such as Amazon Bedrock, AWS IoT Core, and Amazon DocumentDB, United Airlines is transforming passenger experiences, increasing efficiency and security, and shaping the intelligent airport of tomorrow.
  • Canada

    Using Amazon AppStream 2.0 to Increase Scalability and Agility for Air Canada

    Learn how Air Canada in the travel industry gained scalability and reliability while optimizing costs by migrating its on-premises VDI to AWS.
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