Paloma Lataliza

AWS Community Hero

 Paloma Lataliza, Cloud Engineer at Claro

 Belo Horizonte, Brazil

 Hero since 2024

Paloma is a Cloud Engineer with over six years of experience. She has a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, specialized in Cloud Computing, and is an enthusiast of container technologies and passionate about technology and sharing knowledge.

For more than four years, Paloma has been actively involved in technology communities. She leads the AWS User Group Minas Gerais, is an organizer of the AWSome Women Community Summit Brazil, and founded the Mulheres na Nuvem Minas Gerais (Women in the Cloud Minas Gerais) project. Previously, she was an AWS Community Builder, producing technical content, speaking at Cloud and DevOps events, and mentoring those eager to deepen their technical skills.

Within the AWS community, she realized the true meaning of 'community,' which inspired her to commit to transformative causes, such as supporting people in social vulnerability and women in STEM. She dedicates herself to helping more women enter the tech, creating a support network, and offering free classes and mentoring to women on their journey.

Paloma continues to positively impact the female community and build a solid career as a cloud engineer.

Learn More About Paloma


What is the AWS Heroes Program?

The AWS Heroes program recognizes a vibrant, worldwide group of AWS experts whose enthusiasm for knowledge-sharing has had a real impact within the community. Heroes go above and beyond to share AWS knowledge via social media, blog posts, videos, open source projects, events, user groups, and more.