AWS IoT EduKit Content Library

Explore the collection of AWS IoT EduKit content and projects built by AWS as well as those contributed by the community of IoT developers.

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Start your project with an AWS IoT EduKit tutorial

Getting Started

Set up your environment and get started with the ESP RainMaker Agent.
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Cloud Connected Blinky

Create a cloud connected "blinky" (hello world for microcontrollers) application. The steps and skills learned in this tutorial will provide the foundation to be successful in other tutorials.
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Smart Thermostat

Build a smart thermostat that controls a fictional HVAC system.
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Smart Spaces

Create a presence-aware smart space solution using your thermostat data, analytics, and machine learning.
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Intro to Alexa for IoT

Implement Alexa Voice Service Integration for AWS IoT Core and create a smart light.
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