AWS Compliance Center

The AWS Compliance Center is a central location to research cloud-related regulatory requirements and how they impact your industry. Select the country you are interested in, and the AWS Compliance Center will display the country’s regulatory position regarding the adoption of cloud services. AWS has customers throughout the world and is continually adapting to evolving regulations, so please contact us if your country of interest is not listed and you would like more information about AWS.

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    Abu Dhabi ADGM

    The Financial Services and Regulatory Authority (the "FSRA") is the authority supporting and facilitating all financial services activities in the ADGM.

    Last updated
    January 2024
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    The Banco Central de la República Argentina, or “BCRA” (Central Bank of Argentina), is the primary financial supervisory authority in Argentina responsible for the regulation, inspection and supervision of financial institutions, including banking and credit institutions and payments processors.

    The Comisión Nacional de Valores, or “CNV” (National Securities Exchange Commission), regulates the Argentinean capital markets, including stock exchanges, agents, brokers, listed corporations, and investment funds.

    The Superintendencia de Seguros de la Nación, or “SSN” (National Superintendence of Insurance), regulates the insurance market and insurance companies.

    Last updated
    August 2024
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    The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) regulates banks, credit unions, building societies, general insurance and reinsurance companies, life insurance, private health insurance, friendly societies, and most members of the superannuation industry.

    The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), among other things, regulates holders of an Australian financial services licence such as financial advisers, as well as businesses that deal in a financial product, make a market for a financial product, operate a registered scheme, provide custodial or depository services, or provide trustee company services.

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    October 2023
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    The Financial Market Authority (FMA) is Austria’s financial supervisory authority and supervises, inter alia, credit institutions, securities markets and brokers, fund managers, pension funds, payment services providers, investment firms, and insurance companies.

    The FMA collaborates closely with the Oesterreichische Nationalbank (National Bank of Austria) and the Federal Ministry of Finance (BMF) and provides micro supervision of individual financial institutions and market players to monitor compliance with legal requirements, fairness and transparency, and good governance. Prevents and punishes the unauthorized offering and provision of financial services and ensures that all financial institutions have the necessary systems in place to work preventively in relation to money laundering and terrorist financing.

    Last updated
    January 2025
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    The Central Bank of Bahrain (CBB) is responsible for maintaining monetary and financial stability in the Kingdom of Bahrain. It is also the single integrated regulator of Bahrain's financial industry.

    Last updated
    August 2023
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    The Financial Services and Markets Authority (FSMA) and the National Bank of Belgium are Belgium’s financial supervisory authorities. The FSMA performs surveillance of the financial markets and supervision of the financial information disseminated by companies, supervision of compliance with conduct of business rules, product supervision, and supervision of financial service providers and intermediaries.

    The National Bank of Belgium is responsible for the oversight of individual banking, insurance and other financial institutions, which is called microprudential supervision, and for macroprudential supervision, which relates to the proper functioning of the financial system as a whole.

    Last updated
    January 2025
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    The Central Bank of Bolivia (Banco Central de Bolivia or “BCB”) is responsible for formulating and managing the country's monetary, credit, and exchange rate policies and issuing the corresponding regulations.

    The Financial System Supervisory Authority (Autoridad de Supervisión del Sistema Financiero or “ASFI”) is responsible for regulating and supervising financial institutions such as banks and securities markets—collectively, the “Financial Institutions.” Additionally, ASFI regulates payments systems and enforces payment systems regulations issued by the BCB.

    Last updated
    December 2024
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    The Banco Central do Brasil or “BCB” (Brazil Central Bank) is the principal monetary authority and banking industry regulator.

    The Comissão de Valores Mobiliários or “CVM” (Securities and Exchange Commission of Brazil) is the securities market authority and regulates the capital markets and its participants.

    The Superintendência de Seguros Privados or “SUSEP” (Superintendent of Private Insurance) is the regulator for the insurance industry.

    Last updated
    September 2023
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    The National Bank of Cambodia (NBC) supervises local and foreign banks and other financial institutions such as micro-finance institutions and leasing companies.

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    July 2023
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    The Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions, or “OSFI" is the federal regulator for all banks in Canada, and federally incorporated or registered trust and loan companies, insurance companies, cooperative credit associations, fraternal benefit societies and private pension plans.

    OSFI is responsible for supervising federally regulated financial institutions and pension plans to determine whether they are in sound financial condition and compliant with applicable requirements. It also issues regulations and guidance that may affect how financial services customers use AWS.

    Bank of Canada, Canada’s central bank, has direct oversight over clearing and settlement systems, i.e., financial market infrastructures. The Bank of Canada has the ability to designate certain financial market infrastructures as “prominent payment systems” or “systemically important FMIs” and requires financial market infrastructures to comply with risk management standards.

    Each Canadian province and territory has its own regulator to enforce securities regulations. The Canadian Securities Administrators is an umbrella organization comprised of the securities regulators from each province and territory with an objective of improving, coordinating, and harmonizing securities regulation.

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    February 2024
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    The Comisión para el Mercado Financiero or “CMF” (Financial Market Commission) is the public body that oversees and enforces compliance with laws and regulations by banks and other financial institutions (for example, credit card issuers and processors, credit unions) and the insurance industry in Chile.

    The Superintendencia de Pensiones or “SP” (Superintendence of Pensions) oversees and enforces compliance with laws and regulations by pension fund administrators.

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    January 2025
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    The Superintendencia Financiera de Colombia or “SFC” (Financial Superintendence of Colombia) is the primary financial supervisory authority in Colombia responsible for the supplementary regulation (at the circular level).

    The SFC is responsible for the inspection and supervision of financial institutions, including banking and credit institutions, insurance, pension funds, capital markets, and certain payments processors.

    The Unidad de Regulación Financiera or “URF” (Financial Regulation Unit) is the governmental entity within the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit responsible for the core regulations (at the decree level) of financial institutions, including banking and credit institutions, insurance, pension funds, and capital markets.

    Last updated
    April 2024
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    Costa Rica

    The Consejo Nacional de Supervisión del Sistema Financiero or “CONASSIF” (National Council for Supervision of the Financial System) is responsible for providing uniformity and integration to the regulation and supervision activities of the Costa Rican financial system. CONASSIF directs and supervises activities of regulators within the Costa Rican financial system.

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    November 2022
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    Hrvatska Narodna Banka (the Croatian National Bank or HNB) supervises credit institutions, credit unions, payment institutions, and electronic money institutions.

    A separate authority, the Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency (HANFA) supervises stock exchanges and regulated markets, investment firms and securities issuers, brokers and investment advisors, insurance and reinsurance companies and intermediaries, investment and pension fund management companies, pension insurance companies, and investment and pension funds.

    Last updated
    January 2025
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    Financial institutions are regulated and supervised by three authorities in Cyprus: Central Bank of Cyprus (CBC), which supervises commercial banks and credit institutions; Superintendent for Insurance Control (SI); and the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC).

    These regulators aim to ensure investor and customer protection and the healthy development of the financial markets. In their respective areas or supervision, regulators in Cyprus carry out regular inspections of licensed financial services business to ensure compliance and combat financial crime.

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    January 2025
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    Czech Republic

    The Czech National Bank (CNB) is the supervisory authority of the financial market in the Czech Republic and supervises, inter alia, credit institutions, securities markets and brokers, fund managers, payment services providers, investment firms, and insurance and reinsurance companies.

    The CNB enacts rules safeguarding the stability of the banking sector, the capital markets, the insurance industry and the pension scheme industry. It systematically regulates, supervises and, where appropriate, issues penalties for non-compliance with these rules.

    Last updated
    January 2025
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    Finanstilsynet, also known as the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority (“FSA”), is Denmark’s financial supervisory authority. The Danish FSA supervises, inter alia, credit institutions, stock exchanges, fund managers, payment services providers, investment firms, insurance companies, insurance intermediaries, and pension funds. It is part of the Ministry of Industry, Business and Financial Affairs.

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    January 2025
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    Dubai DIFC

    The Dubai Financial Services Authority (DFSA) regulates and supervises companies conducting financial services business in or from the DIFC.

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    January 2024
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    Finantsinspektsioon (Financial Supervision Authority) is Estonia’s financial supervisory authority and supervises, inter alia, credit institutions, securities markets and brokers, fund managers, payment services providers, investment firms, and insurance and reinsurance companies.

    The main objective of supervision is to ensure that financial institutions are able to meet their obligations to the customers in the future - pay out deposits, insurance losses or pension contributions, etc. and also to help increase the efficiency of the financial sector in Estonia, avoid systemic risks, and prevent the abuse of the financial sector for criminal purposes.

    Last updated
    January 2025
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    Finanssivalvonta or the Finnish Financial Supervisory Authority (FIN-FSA) is Finland’s financial supervisory authority and supervises, inter alia, banks and credit institutions, securities markets and brokers, fund managers, payment services providers, investment firms, insurance and reinsurance companies, and the Helsinki Stock Exchange.

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    January 2025
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    The French Prudential Supervision and Resolution Authority (Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution — the “ACPR”) is an independent administrative authority that grants license to and/or monitors the activities of some regulated institutions in France.

    The institutions concerned are as follows: credit institutions (including payment institutions), investment firms, and insurance companies. The ACPR operates under the auspices of the French central bank — Banque de France.

    The French Financial Markets Authority (Autorité des marchés financiers — the “AMF”) is the other independent administrative authority, which supervises investment firms and asset management companies.

    Last updated
    January 2025
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    The Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht) (“BaFin”) and the Deutsche Bundesbank (“Bundesbank”) are Germany’s financial supervisory authorities.

    BaFin supervise banks and other financial service providers, insurance undertakings and pension funds, stock exchanges, asset management companies and investment funds and securities and other investment companies.

    The Bundesbank undertakes the on-going supervisions of banks and financial service providers. Certain financial service providers (significant institutes) may be regulated by the European Central Bank.

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    January 2025
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    The Bank of Greece is Greece’s financial supervisory authority and supervises, inter alia, credit institutions, securities markets and brokers, fund managers, pension funds, payment services providers, investment firms, and insurance companies.

    The Bank of Greece provides micro supervision of individual financial institutions and market players to ensure the stability and smooth operation of the banking system and, in general, the financial sector of the economy of Greece. In addition, supervision aims at ensuring transparency of procedures and terms of transactions of those subject to supervision.

    Last updated
    January 2025
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    The Bank of Guatemala is responsible for formulating and managing the country's monetary, credit, and exchange rate policies and issuing the corresponding regulations. It is also responsible for ensuring that the country’s payment systems function adequately.

    The Monetary Board (Junta Monetaria or “JM”) governs the Bank of Guatemala and is composed of members of the government and industry associations. The role of the JM is to evaluate and establish Guatemalan monetary, credit, and currency exchange policies. Additionally, any regulations proposed by the Superintendent of Banks of Guatemala (“SIB”) or the Bank of Guatemala must be approved by the JM.

    The Superintendence of Banks (Superintendencia de Bancos or “SIB”) is a technical body organized under the direction of the JM, with responsibility for monitoring and inspecting the Bank of Guatemala, other banks, private financial entities, credit institutions, insurance companies, general deposit warehouses, currency exchange companies, financial groups, and the holding companies belonging to financial groups. In addition, the SIB can propose regulations to the JM.

    The Special Verification Unit (Intendencia de Verificación Especial or “IVE”) provides oversight to ensure compliance with the Anti-Money Laundering Law and the Law to Prevent and Suppress Terrorism Financing.

    Last updated
    October 2023
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    The Central Bank of Honduras (Banco Central de Honduras or “BCH”) is responsible for formulating and managing the country's monetary, credit, and exchange rate policies and issuing the corresponding regulations.

    The National Banking and Insurance Commission (Comisión Nacional de Bancos y Seguros or “CNBS”) is in charge of supervising activities related to the management, use, and investment of funds raised from the public such as financing, insurance, pensions, and securities, among others.

    Last updated
    October 2023
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    Hong Kong (SAR)

    The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) regulates and supervises Authorized Institutions (AIs) including banks and deposit-taking companies as well as retail payment systems and stored-value facilities.

    The Hong Kong Insurance Authority (HKIA) regulates and supervises authorized insurers including insurance companies.

    The Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) regulates and supervises the securities and futures markets including brokers, investment advisers, fund managers and intermediaries.

    Last updated
    February 2024
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    Magyar Nemzeti Bank (Central Bank of Hungary or MNB) is the supervisory authority of the financial market in Hungary and supervises, inter alia, credit institutions, securities markets and brokers, fund managers, payment services providers, investment firms, and insurance and reinsurance companies.

    The MNB provides financial consumer protection, as well as market surveillance intended to eliminate unauthorized, unlicensed financial service providers, or those without prior notification. The MNB monitors the activities of the financial institutions in relation to preventing and combating money laundering and the financing of terrorism, as well as performing IT supervision.

    Last updated
    January 2025
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    The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) supervises the financial sector in India, comprising commercial banks, financial institutions, and non-banking finance companies (such as payment systems). The RBI performs financial supervision under the guidance of the Board for Financial Supervision (BFS).

    The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) regulates the insurance industry in India, including life insurance companies, non-life insurance companies, and insurance web aggregators.

    The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) regulates the securities market, including mutual funds, depositories, stock exchanges, and commodity exchanges.

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    September 2024
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    Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (Financial Authority of Indonesia, or OJK) regulates banks, insurance companies, peer-to-peer lenders, and other types of financial companies involved in lending and financing.

    Bank of Indonesia (BI) regulates non-bank payment providers and companies involved in the payment system such as acquirers, e-money issuers, fund transfer companies, e-wallet companies, and payment gateways.

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    January 2024
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    Banc Ceannais na hÉireann (Central Bank of Ireland) is Ireland’s financial supervisory authority and supervises, inter alia, credit institutions, securities markets and brokers, fund managers, payment services providers, investment firms, and insurance and reinsurance companies.

    It absorbed the previous regulator, the Irish Financial Services Regulatory Authority in October 2010 to unify monetary policy and regulatory functions.

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    January 2025
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    The Financial Services industry is not governed by a sole regulator in Israel. Depending on the financial activity and the business services, different regulatory frameworks apply.

    Last updated
    September 2021
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    In Italy, the Bank of Italy, Commissione Nazionale per le Società e la Borsa (CONSOB), Istituto per la Vigilanza sulle Assicurazioni (IVASS), and Commissione di Vigilanza sui Fondi Pensione (COVIP), oversee the banking, securities, (re)insurance markets, and pension funds, respectively.

    Last updated
    January 2025
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    The Japanese Financial Services Agency (FSA) is the financial supervisory authority. FSA supervises financial institutions such as banks, credit institutions, and insurance and reinsurance companies.

    Last updated
    June 2023
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    The Central Bank of Kenya (CBK) has an explicit mandate to formulate and implement monetary policy directed to achieving and maintaining price stability and supervises banks, credit institutions, and payments processors.

    The Insurance Regulatory Authority regulates and supervises the insurance sector. The Capital Markets Authority (CMA) is responsible of supervising, licensing and monitoring the activities of market intermediaries, including the stock exchange and the central depository and settlement system.

    Last updated
    June 2023
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    The Financial and Capital Market Commission is Latvia’s financial supervisory authority and supervises, inter alia, credit unions, insurance companies and insurance brokerage companies, participants of financial instruments market, as well as private pension funds, payment institutions and electronic money institutions.

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    January 2025
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    The Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF) is Luxembourg’s financial supervisory authority and supervises, inter alia, credit institutions, securities markets and brokers, fund managers, pension funds, payment services providers, and investment firms.

    The CSSF provides micro supervision of individual financial institutions and market players ensuring the safety and soundness of the financial sector by ensuring that authorized entities and issuers comply with the regulations applicable to them, including those aiming to ensure the protection of the financial consumers and the prevention of the use of the financial sector for the purposes of money laundering or terrorist financing.

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    January 2025
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    Bank Negara Malaysia (Central Bank of Malaysia or BNM) is the financial supervisory authority. BNM regulates financial institutions such as banks, investment banks, and insurance companies.

    Last updated
    June 2023
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    Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA) is Malta’s financial supervisory authority and supervises, inter alia, credit institutions, securities markets and brokers, fund managers, pension funds, payment services providers, insurance companies, and investment firms. The MFSA took over supervisory functions previously carried out by the Central Bank of Malta, the Malta Stock Exchange, and the Malta Financial Services Centre.

    The MFSA regulates and supervises the conduct of the financial services industry in Malta to help protect the interests of consumers and investors and encourages the highest possible standards of behavior in the financial services industry. The MFSA issues licenses to financial institutions and carries out regular inspections of licensed financial services business to ensure compliance and combat financial crime.

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    January 2025
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    The Bank of Mauritius has an explicit mandate to formulate and implement monetary policy directed to achieving and maintaining price stability and supervises banking institutions to safeguard the stability and strength of the financial system.

    The Financial Services Commission (FSC) is responsible for supervising, licensing, and monitoring the activities of non-banking financial services companies.

    Last updated
    July 2023
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    The Comisión Nacional Bancaria y de Valores or “CNBV” (National Banking and Securities Commission) is Mexico's primary financial supervisory authority as it relates to the use of cloud services by banks and other financial institutions.

    The Comisión Nacional Bancaria y de Valores or “CNBV” (National Banking and Securities Commission) is Mexico's primary financial supervisory authority as it relates to the use of cloud services by banks and other financial institutions. The CNBV inspects, supervises, and surveys financial activities in detail and grants financial institutions their licenses to operate in Mexico.

    The Banco de México or “Banxico” (Central Bank of Mexico) issues general regulations and monetary policies. Banxico supervises and regulates the Sistema de Pagos Electrónicos Interbancarios or "SPEI" (Electronic Interbank Payments System), the real-time payments system that banks use in Mexico.

    The Comisión Nacional de Seguros y Fianzas or "CNSF" (National Insurance and Security Bonds Commission) supervises the operation of the insurance industry and its solvency and stability.

    The Comisión Nacional del Sistema de Ahorro para el Retiro or "CONSAR" (National Commission for Retirement Savings) regulates the Sistema de Ahorro para el Retiro or "SAR" (Retirement Savings System) to verify that pension plans or "AFORES" invest their funds according to parameters and guidance set forth by the CONSAR.

    Last updated
    October 2024
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    The Central Bank of Myanmar (CBM) supervises banks and non-bank financial institutions such as leasing companies, finance companies, money services, and credit services.

    Last updated
    July 2023
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    In principle, the Autoriteit Financiële Markten (the Netherlands Authority for Financial Markets) and De Nederlandsche Bank (the Dutch Central Bank) are the main Netherlands’s financial supervisory authorities and supervise financial institutions and their products and services, such as: savings, investments and loans.

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    January 2025
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    New Zealand

    The Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) is the financial supervisory authority. RBNZ regulates financial institutions such as banks, insurers, and non-bank deposit takers.

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    June 2023
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    The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) regulates and supervises banks and other financial institutions, and operators within the electronic payments network in Nigeria.

    The National Insurance Commission (NAICOM) regulates and supervises the insurance sector.

    The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is the regulatory organization for the capital market with the power to regulate the investments and securities business in Nigeria, as well as, registering and regulating various securities and commodity exchanges including, the Nigerian Stock Exchange.

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    July 2023
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    Finanstilsynet (Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway) is Norway’s financial supervisory authority and supervises, inter alia, credit institutions, securities markets and brokers, fund managers, payment services providers, investment firms, insurance and reinsurance companies, and stock exchanges.

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    January 2025
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    The Superintendencia de Bancos de Panamá or “SBP” (Superintendent of Banks of Panama) is the governmental authority responsible for the supervision of banking and credit institutions in Panama.

    The Superintendencia del Mercado de Valores or “SMV” (Superintendent of the Securities Market) is Panama’s supervisory authority for capital markets.

    The Superintendencia de Seguros y Reaseguros de Panamá or “SSR” (Superintendence of Insurance and Reinsurance of Panama) regulates the insurance market and insurance companies.

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    July 2023
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    The Central Bank of Paraguay (Banco Central de Paraguay, or “BCP”) is Paraguay’s primary financial authority responsible for regulations, regulatory oversight, and enforcement for banks, financial, and credit institutions. BCP is the regulatory entity in Paraguay that formulates economic, monetary, and exchange policy.

    Last updated
    December 2024
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    The Superintendencia de Banca, Seguros y Administradoras de Fondo de Pensiones or “SBS” (Superintendence of Banks, Insurance and Pension Fund Administrators) is Peru’s primary authority responsible for the regulation and supervision of financial, insurance, and private pension entities.

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    December 2024
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    Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) is the financial supervisory authority. BSP supervises banks, finance companies and non-bank financial institutions performing quasi-banking functions.

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    January 2024
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    Komisja Nadzoru Finansowego (Polish Financial Supervision Authority, KNF) is Poland’s financial supervisory authority and supervises, inter alia, credit institutions, securities markets and brokers, fund managers, payment services providers, investment firms, and insurance and reinsurance companies.

    It absorbed previous financial and insurance oversight bodies to centralize supervisory powers for financial markets and participants in those markets within Poland.

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    January 2025
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    Banco de Portugal is Portugal’s financial supervisory authority and supervises, inter alia, credit institutions, financial companies, payment institutions, electronic money institutions and credit intermediaries. Banco de Portugal has administrative and financial autonomy.

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    January 2025
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    Puerto Rico

    Puerto Rico is an unincorporated territory of the United States and regulations issued by U.S. regulators generally apply. Confirm applicability of specific regulations along with a review of Puerto Rican law to have a comprehensive understanding of obligations.

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    The National Bank of Romania (NBR) supervises credit institutions to protect the interests of depositors and ensure a sound and viable banking sector.

    In addition, the Financial Supervisory Authority (ASF) supervises, inter alia, securities markets and brokers, fund managers, payment services providers, investment firms, pension funds, and insurance and reinsurance companies to ensure the stability, competitiveness and proper operation of the financial instruments markets and to protect operators and investors against disloyal, abusive and fraudulent practices.

    The ASF also promotes the stability of the insurance activity and protects the rights of policyholders and the interests of the participants and beneficiaries in the private pension system.

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    January 2025
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    The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) regulates and supervises all financial institutions in Singapore, including banks, finance companies, insurers, money brokers, securities and futures and fund management, financial advisers, trust companies, payment and settlement systems, and finance companies.

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    February 2024
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    Národná Banka Slovenska (National Bank of Slovakia) supervises, inter alia, credit institutions, securities markets and brokers, fund managers, payment services providers, investment firms, pension funds, and insurance and reinsurance companies to protect the rights of financial consumers.

    The Bank supports the secure and sound functioning of the financial market through identification, monitoring, and mitigation of systemic risks to the financial system.

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    January 2025
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    Bank of Slovenia supervises credit institutions and banks by identifying risks in the following areas of operations: credit risk, liquidity risk, operational risk, capital risk, interest rate risk, profitability risk, internal controls, corporate governance, reputation, anti-money laundering.

    For non-credit institutions or banks, the Securities Market Agency (ATVP) supervises, inter alia, securities markets and brokers, fund managers, payment services providers, investment firms, pension funds, and insurance and reinsurance companies to ensure the efficient operation of the market in financial instruments.

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    January 2025
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    South Africa

    The South African Reserve Bank (SARB) has an explicit mandate to maintain and enhance financial stability in South Africa. The Prudential Authority (PA), part of the SARB, is responsible for regulating banks, insurers, cooperative financial institutions, financial conglomerates and certain market infrastructures.

    The Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA), created under the Financial Sector Regulation Act of 2017 as a financial market conduct regulator, is the regulatory agency in South Africa supervising the conduct of participants in capital markets, the Johannesburg exchange, insurers, re-insurers, and retirement funds.

    Last updated
    October 2023
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    South Korea

    The Financial Services Commission (FSC) is a central government body responsible for financial policy and financial supervision of financial institutions in South Korea such as banks, insurance companies, mutual savings banks, trust business entities, investment traders or brokers, investment business entities, investment advisory business entities, and financial holding companies.

    The Financial Supervisory Service (FSS) is South Korea’s fully integrated supervisory authority under the Act on the Establishment of Financial Supervisory Organizations. It is a specially legislated quasi-government supervisory authority and charged with financial supervision across the entire financial sector.

    The FSC assumes the primary responsibility for rulemaking and licensing while the FSS principally conducts prudential supervision, capital market supervision, consumer protection, and other oversight and enforcement activities as delegated or charged by the FSC.

    Last updated
    August 2023
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    The Bank of Spain (Banco de España – the “BOE”) is the national banking authority, responsible for supervision of banks in Spain. However, since the implementation of the Single Supervisory Mechanism (EU Regulation (EU) No 468/2014), it shares supervision duties with the European Central Bank (“ECB”).

    For the insurance sector, the Directorate General for Insurance and Pensions Funds (Dirección General de Seguros y Fondos de Pensiones - the “DGSFP”) is the supervisory authority.

    The National Securities Market Commission (Comisión Nacional de Mercado de Valores - the “CNMV”) is the body responsible for the supervision and inspection of Spanish securities markets and the activity of all those involved in them.

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    January 2025
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    Sri Lanka

    Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL) supervises financial institutions such as banks, licensed finance companies, specialized leasing companies and licensed microfinance companies.

    The Insurance Regulatory Commission of Sri Lanka (IRC) supervises insurance companies.

    The Securities and Exchange Commission of Sri Lanka (SEC) supervises capital market companies such as market intermediaries, stock brokers, exchanges and managing companies of unit trusts.

    Last updated
    June 2023
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