Partner Kompetensi Barang Konsumen AWS

Capai nilai bisnis yang lebih besar dan dorong inovasi lebih cepat dengan Partner AWS yang menawarkan keahlian industri mendalam, pengetahuan teknis yang telah terbukti, dan rekam jejak kesuksesan pelanggan


Percepat Inovasi Barang Konsumsi dengan AWS dan AI/ML

Cari tahu bagaimana AWS dan partnernya membantu perusahaan memodernisasi infrastruktur IT, bermigrasi ke cloud, dan mengembangkan aplikasi inovatif sekaligus melindungi sistem yang penting. Pelajari tentang solusi AI/ML modern yang mentransformasi industri Barang Konsumsi.

Partner Kompetensi Barang Konsumen AWS memberikan solusi teknologi industri modern dan layanan konsultasi ahli untuk transformasi ujung ke ujung dari Model Operasi Perusahaan Barang Konsumen di enam area solusi: Pemasaran, Rantai Pasokan, Manufaktur, Pengembangan Produk, Perdagangan Terpadu, serta IT & Transformasi Digital. Partner AWS yang telah divalidasi ini menawarkan solusi dan layanan teruji yang mempercepat transformasi digital industri di seluruh korporasi. Penawaran mereka membantu mendorong efisiensi operasional, meningkatkan penjualan dan inisiatif pemasaran untuk pertumbuhan, serta membangun merek yang disukai konsumen.

Program Partner Kompetensi AWS didesain untuk mengidentifikasi, memvalidasi, dan mempromosikan Partner AWS dengan keahlian teknis AWS yang telah teruji dan kesuksesan pelanggan yang telah terbukti. Partner Spesialisasi Barang Konsumen AWS telah melewati validasi teknis ketat yang berakar pada kerangka kerja AWS Well-Architected untuk mendesain, membangun, dan mengoperasikan solusi yang andal, aman, dan efisien di cloud.

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    Hasil tidak ditemukan.

    • Consumer Packed Goods

      Eviden Helps French Startup Selartag Rapidly Build Wine Inventory Tool Using AWS


      Selartag is a French startup on a mission to digitally transform the world of fine wine. Taking an accurate inventory of a cellar at a high-end restaurant is a regular and time-consuming task for sommeliers. Selartag wanted to build a system to speed up that process and to improve accuracy. It designed a system that uses smart labels, handheld scanners, and scanner gates to make it easier to keep track of wine inventories and learn more about individual wines. The company turned to AWS Partner Eviden to build its solution on Amazon Web Services (AWS).

    • Consumer Packed Goods

      Arbonne Unlocks Valuable Insights and 25% Cost Savings with Amazon Connect and NeuraFlash

      United States

      Arbonne is a global leader in the beauty and wellness industry, offering a range of high-quality, vegan, and cruelty-free products. The company recognized an opportunity to improve the agent experience by replacing its fragmented contact center systems, which included separate services for customer relationship management (CRM), telephony, and workforce management.

      Arbonne engaged AWS Partner NeuraFlash to implement a unified service for voice, chat, tasks, and more using Amazon Connect. This solution cut contact center technology costs by 25 percent thanks to reduced licensing fees and consumption-based pricing. Agents can more efficiently navigate the contact center and leverage generative AI (artificial intelligence) capabilities, reducing complexity and allowing them to deliver exceptional customer experiences.

    • Consumer Packed Goods

      ONNIT Gains Unprecedented Efficiencies Throughout its Content Supply Chain with Tenovos Digital Asset Management

      United States

      ONNIT, a Unilever consumer packaged goods brand in the health and wellness space, relies heavily on customer-facing digital content for its marketing. However, it faced challenges with finding and sharing its digital assets because they were spread across multiple sources (both physical and virtual), teams, and locations. ONNIT’s teams lost valuable time searching for, creating, and even duplicating content. Additionally, a lack of version control made maintaining brand compliance difficult. To centralize and organize its digital assets, ONNIT used the digital asset management (DAM) solution built by AWS Retail Competency Partner Tenovos, making content easily accessible to stakeholders and gaining efficiencies in content discoverability, reuse, creation, approval, and distribution. With user adoption for the Tenovos DAM at 98 percent across tens of thousands of assets, ONNIT has transformed how it accesses and uses its content.

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