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Last updated January 28, 2022

1.1 Security PolicySupplier will comply in all respects with Amazon’s information security requirements set forth in this policy (the “Security Policy”). This Security Policy applies to Supplier’s performance under the Agreement and all Supplier’s access, collection, use, storage, transmission, disclosure, destruction or deletion of, and security incidents regarding, Amazon Information. This Security Policy does not limit any of Supplier’s other obligations, including under any other agreements with Amazon or any other laws that apply to Supplier, Supplier’s performance under any other agreements with Amazon, the Amazon Information, or the Permitted Purpose. If this Security Policy conflicts with any non-disclosure agreement between the parties, or any other agreement applicable to the parties, Supplier will promptly notify Amazon of the conflict and comply with the requirements that are more protective of Amazon Information unless the less-protective requirements are expressly stated as overriding the more-protective requirements (which may be designated by Amazon). Amazon may change this Security Policy from time to time at its sole discretion, provided that if such changes are not commercially reasonable, upon request Amazon will meet and agree on appropriate additional fees.
1.2 Definitions. 
1.2.1 “Aggregate” means to combine or store Amazon Information with any data or information of Supplier or any third party. 
1.2.2 “Agreement” means any agreement that references this Security Policy.
1.2.3 “Amazon” means, Inc. and its affiliates.
1.2.4 “Anonymize” means to use, collect, store, transmit, or transform any data or information (including Amazon Information) in a manner or form that does not identify, permit identification of, and is not otherwise attributable to Amazon, or any user, device identifier, source, product, service, context, or brand thereof. 
1.2.5 “Amazon Information” means, individually and collectively: (a) all Amazon Confidential Information (as defined in a non-disclosure agreement or any other agreement between the parties); (b) all other data, records, files, content, or information, in any form or format, acquired, accessed, collected, received, stored, or maintained by Supplier or its affiliates, from or on behalf of Amazon, or otherwise in connection with this Security Policy or the services, or the parties’ performance or exercise of rights under or in connection with the Agreement; and (c) information derived from (a) or (b), even if Anonymized. 
1.2.6 “Supplier” means each Supplier, Vendor, or Contractor defined in an Agreement and any other provider subject to an Agreement.
1.3 Permitted Purpose. Supplier may access, collect, use, store, and transmit only the Amazon Information expressly authorized under the Agreement and solely for the purpose of providing the products or services under the Agreement, consistent with the licenses (if any) granted under this Security Policy (the “ Permitted Purpose”). Except as expressly authorized under the Agreement, Supplier will not access, collect, use, store, or transmit any Amazon Information and will not Aggregate Amazon Information, even if Anonymized. Except with Amazon’s prior express written consent, Supplier will not (a) transfer, rent, barter, trade, sell, loan, or lease, or otherwise distribute or make available to any third-party, any Amazon Information or (b) Aggregate Amazon Information with any other information or data, even if Anonymized.    
2.1 Basic Security Requirements. Supplier will, consistent with current best industry standards and such other requirements specified by Amazon based on the classification and sensitivity of Amazon Information, maintain physical, administrative, and technical safeguards and other security measures to (a) maintain the security and confidentiality of Amazon Information accessed, collected, used, stored, or transmitted by Supplier, and (b) protect that information from known or reasonably anticipated threats or hazards to its security and integrity, accidental loss, alteration, and disclosure and all other unlawful forms of processing. Without limitation, Supplier will comply with the following requirements for any systems that Supplier uses to process Amazon Information or that have access to Amazon Information (“Amazon Information Systems”):

2.1.1 Network Security. Supplier will protect any Amazon Information Systems by restricting unauthorized network access, especially from the external Internet. Supplier will install and maintain an effective network security solution, such as a firewall, to protect Amazon Information at all times. 
2.1.2 Updates. As outlined in National Institute of Standards and Technology (“NIST”) Special Publication (“SP”) 800-40 Revision 3, Supplier will keep Amazon Information Systems up-to-date with the latest upgrades, updates, bug fixes, and new versions and with any other modifications necessary to ensure security of Amazon Information.
2.1.3 Anti-malware. Supplier will at all times use anti-malware software or an equivalent security control to mitigate the risk of malware compromise and spread. If used, Supplier will keep anti-malware software up to date. 
2.1.4 Encryption. Supplier will encrypt data at rest and data sent across open networks in accordance with industry best practices.
2.1.5 Testing. Supplier will regularly test its security systems and processes to ensure they meet the requirements of this Security Policy or the security policy last agreed to by Supplier and Amazon. To the extent there are changes to the Security Policy pursuant to Section 1.1, those changes will not take effect for purposes of this Section until agreement between Supplier and Amazon (email to suffice).
2.1.6 Access Controls. Supplier will secure Amazon Information, including by complying with the following requirements: Supplier will assign a unique ID to each person with computer access to Amazon Information or Amazon Information Systems. Supplier will restrict access to Amazon Information to only those people with a “need-to-know” for a Permitted Purpose. Supplier will regularly review the list of people and services with access to Amazon Information, and remove accounts that no longer require access to Amazon Information Systems. This review must be performed at least once every 90 days. Supplier will not use manufacturer-supplied defaults for system passwords and other security parameters on any Amazon Information Systems. Supplier will mandate and ensure the use of system-enforced “strong passwords” in accordance with the best practices described in NIST SP 800-63B on all Amazon Information Systems. Supplier will require that all passwords and access credentials are kept confidential and not shared among personnel. Supplier will maintain and enforce “account lockout” by disabling accounts with access to Amazon Information or Amazon Information Systems when an account exceeds more than ten (10) consecutive incorrect password attempts. Except where expressly authorized by Amazon in writing, Supplier will physically or logically segregate Amazon Information at all times (including in storage, processing, or transmission), from Supplier’s and any third-party information. If additional physical access controls are requested in writing by Amazon, Supplier will implement and use those secure physical access control measures. Supplier will provide to Amazon, upon Amazon’s reasonable request, (a) log data about all use (both authorized and unauthorized) of Amazon’s accounts or credentials provided to Supplier for a Permitted Purpose (e.g., social medial account credentials), and (b) detailed log data about any impersonation of, or attempt to impersonate, Amazon personnel or Supplier’s personnel that have access to Amazon Information. Supplier will regularly review access logs for signs of malicious behavior or unauthorized access. 
2.1.7 Supplier’s Policy. Supplier will maintain and enforce an information and network security policy for employees, subcontractors, agents, and suppliers that meets the standards set out in this Security Policy, including methods to detect and log policy violations. Upon request by Amazon, Supplier will provide Amazon with information on violations of Supplier’s information and network security policy if either Supplier or Amazon have a reasonable suspicion that it may constitute a Security Incident (defined below). 
2.1.8 Subcontract. Supplier will not subcontract or delegate any of its obligations under this Security Policy to any subcontractors or delegates (collectively, “Subcontractors”) without Amazon’s prior written consent. Notwithstanding the existence or terms of any subcontract or delegation, Supplier will remain responsible for the full performance of its obligations under this Security Policy. The terms and conditions of this Security Policy will be binding upon Supplier’s Subcontractors and personnel. Supplier will (a) ensure that its Subcontractors and personnel comply with this Security Policy, and (b) be responsible for all acts, omissions, negligence, and misconduct of Supplier’s Subcontractors and personnel
2.1.9 Remote Access. Supplier will ensure that any access to Amazon Information Systems requires multi-factor authentication (e.g., requires at least two separate factors for identifying users). 
2.1.10 “In Bulk” Access. For purposes of this section, “in bulk” access means accessing data by means of database query, report generation, or any other mass transfer of data. Except where expressly authorized by Amazon in writing, Supplier will not access, and will not permit access to, Amazon Information “in bulk” whether the Amazon Information is in a database controlled by Supplier or Amazon or stored in any other manner, including storage in file-based archives (e.g., flat files), etc. Specifically, this section prohibits any access to Amazon Information except for access to individual records as needed for the Permitted Purpose. Supplier will preserve detailed log data on attempted or successful “in bulk” access to Amazon Information and will provide reports from these logs as part of Supplier’s obligations under Section 2.5 (Security Review). If Amazon provides Supplier written authorization for “in bulk” access to Amazon Information, Supplier will (a) limit such access only to specified employees with a ”need to know,” and (b) use tools that limit access and require explicit authorization and logging of all access.
2.1.11 Supplier Personnel. Amazon may condition Supplier personnel’s access to Amazon Information on their execution and delivery to Amazon of individual nondisclosure agreements, the form of which is specified by Amazon. Supplier personnel will execute the individual nondisclosure agreement if Amazon so requires. Supplier will obtain and deliver to Amazon signed individual nondisclosure agreements from Supplier personnel that will have access to the Amazon Information (prior to granting access or providing information to Supplier personnel). Supplier will also maintain a list of all Supplier personnel who have accessed or received the Amazon Information on Amazon Information Systems and promptly provide that list to Amazon upon request. For any of Supplier’s personnel that (a) no longer needs access to Amazon Information or (b) no longer qualifies as Supplier personnel (e.g., the individual leaves Supplier’s employment), Supplier will immediately (within a maximum of 24 hours) terminate access to Amazon Information and Amazon Information Systems. If any such personnel are authorized to access Amazon Information on Amazon Information Systems, Supplier will also notify Amazon within 24 hours. 
2.2 Access to Amazon Extranet and Supplier Portals. 
Amazon may grant Supplier access to Amazon Information via web portals or other non-public websites or extranet services on Amazon’s or a third-party’s website or system (each, an “Extranet”) for the Permitted Purpose. If Amazon permits Supplier to access any Amazon Information using an Extranet, Supplier must comply with the following requirements:
2.2.1 Permitted Purpose. Supplier and Supplier personnel will access the Extranet and access, collect, use, view, retrieve, download or store Amazon Information from the Extranet solely for the Permitted Purpose. 
2.2.2 Accounts. Supplier will ensure that Supplier personnel use only the Extranet account(s) Amazon designated for each individual and will require Supplier personnel to keep their access credentials confidential. 
2.2.3 Systems. Supplier will access the Extranet only through computing or processing systems or applications running operating systems managed by Supplier and that include: (a) system network firewalls in accordance with Section  2.1.1 (Network Security); (b) centralized patch management in compliance with Section 2.1.2 (Updates); (c) operating system appropriate anti-malware software in accordance with Section 2.1.3 (Anti-malware); and (d) full disk encryption for portable devices. 
2.2.4 Restrictions. Except if approved in advance in writing by Amazon, Supplier will not download, mirror, or permanently store any Amazon Information from any Extranet on any medium, including any machines, devices, or servers. 
2.2.5 Account Termination. Supplier will terminate the account of, and notify Amazon no later than 24 hours after, any of Supplier personnel who is authorized to access any Extranet: (a) no longer needs access to Amazon Information or (b) no longer qualifies as Supplier personnel (e.g., the personnel leave Supplier’s employment).
2.2.6 Third-Party Systems Supplier will give Amazon prior notice and obtain Amazon’s prior written approval before it uses any third-party system that stores or may otherwise have access to Amazon Information, unless (a) the data is encrypted in accordance with this Security Policy, and (b) the third-party system will not have access to the decryption key or unencrypted “plain text” versions of the data. Amazon reserves the right to require an Amazon security review (in accordance with Section 2.5 (Security Review) of the third-party system before giving approval. If Supplier uses any third-party systems that store unencrypted Amazon Information or otherwise may access unencrypted Amazon Information, Supplier will perform a security review of the third-party systems and their security controls and will provide Amazon periodic reporting about the third-party system’s security controls in the format requested by Amazon (e.g., SAS 70 or its successor report, or other recognized industry-standard report approved by Amazon). 
2.3 Data Retention and Destruction. 
2.3.1 Retention. Supplier will retain Amazon Information only for the purpose of, and as long as is necessary for, the Permitted Purpose.
2.3.2 Return or Deletion. Upon Amazon’s request, Supplier will promptly (but within no more than 72 hours) return to Amazon and permanently and securely delete all Amazon Information in accordance with Amazon’s notice requiring return and/or deletion. Supplier will also permanently and securely delete all live (online or network accessible) instances of the Amazon Information within 30 days after the earlier of completion of the Permitted Purpose or termination or expiration of this Security Policy. If requested by Amazon, Supplier will certify in writing that all Amazon Information has been destroyed. For clarity, this section will not apply to Archival Copies pursuant to Section 2.3.3.
2.3.3 Archival Copies. If Supplier is required by law to retain archival copies of Amazon Information for tax or similar regulatory purposes, this archived Amazon Information must be stored in one of the following ways: As a “cold” or offline (i.e., not available for immediate or interactive use) backup stored in a physically secure facility; or Encrypted, where the system hosting or storing the encrypted file(s) does not have access to a copy of the key(s) used for encryption. 
2.3.4 Recovery. If Supplier performs a “recovery” (i.e., reverting to a backup) for the purpose of disaster recovery, Supplier will have and maintain a process that ensures that all Amazon Information that is required to be deleted pursuant to the Agreement or this Security Policy or any other agreement with Amazon will be re-deleted or overwritten from the recovered data in accordance with this Section 2.3 within 24 hours after recovery occurs. If Supplier performs a recovery for any purpose, no Amazon Information may be recovered to any third-party system or network without Amazon’s prior written approval. Amazon reserves the right to require an Amazon security review (in accordance with Section 2.5 (Security Review) of the third-party system or network before permitting recovery of any Amazon Information to any third-party system or network.
2.3.5 Data Sanitization Standards. All Amazon Information deleted by Supplier will be deleted in accordance with the Minimum Sanitization Recommendations contained in NIST SP 800-88 Revision 1, Guidelines for Media Sanitation, December 18, 2014 (available at, Appendix A, for purging the relevant type of device. In the absence of relevant guidance in NIST SP 800-88, Appendix A, the device containing Amazon Information shall be destroyed in one of the following ways: (a) through degaussing of magnetic media in an electromagnetic flux field of 10,000+ Gauss, (b) by shredding or mechanical disintegration that results in particles smaller than 2x2 mm, or (c) through such other standards Amazon may require based on the classification and sensitivity of the Amazon Information.
2.4 Forensic Destruction. 
Before disposing (in any manner) of any hardware, software, or any other media that contains, or has at any time contained, Amazon Information, Supplier will perform a complete forensic destruction of the hardware, software, or other media such that retrieval of the Amazon Information in any form is infeasible. Supplier will perform forensic destruction in accordance with the Minimum Sanitization Recommendations contained in NIST SP 800-88, Appendix A, for destroying the relevant type of device. 
2.4.1 Supplier will not sell, resell, donate, refurbish, or otherwise transfer (including any sale or transfer of any such hardware, software, or other media, any disposition in connection with any liquidation of Supplier’s business, or any other disposition) any hardware, software, or other media that contains Amazon Information that has not been forensically destroyed by Supplier as required by this Section 2.4.
2.5 Security Review.
2.5.1 Amazon reserves the right to periodically request Supplier to participate in an Amazon risk assessment. 
2.5.2 Certification. Upon Amazon’s written request, Supplier will certify in writing to Amazon that information provided as part of risk assessment is in compliance with this Security Policy last agreed to by Supplier and Amazon. To the extent there are changes to the Security Policy pursuant to Section 1.1, those changes will not take effect for purposes of this Section until agreement between Supplier and Amazon (email to suffice).
2.5.3 Other Reviews. Amazon reserves the right to periodically review the security of Amazon Information Systems, but not more than once yearly unless (a) a prior substantial deficiency was identified within the calendar year or (b) Amazon is obligated by a government agency or other regulatory body to perform such review. Supplier will cooperate and provide Amazon with all required information within a reasonable time frame but no more than 20 calendar days from the date of Amazon’s request. 
2.5.4 Remediation. If any security review identifies any deficiencies, Supplier will, at Supplier’s sole cost and expense, take all reasonable actions necessary to remediate those deficiencies within an agreed upon timeframe. 
2.6 Security Incidents. 
2.6.1 Supplier will inform Amazon as soon as possible, but no later than 24 hours after Supplier knows of any actual or suspected unauthorized access, collection, acquisition, use, transmission, disclosure, corruption, or loss of Amazon Information or breach of any Amazon Information Systems (a “Security Incident”). Supplier will remedy each Security Incident in a timely manner and provide Amazon written details regarding Supplier’s internal investigation regarding each Security Incident. When permitted by applicable laws Supplier agrees not to notify any regulatory authority or customer on behalf of Amazon, unless Amazon specifically requests in writing that Supplier does so, and Amazon reserves the right to review and approve the form and content of any notification before it is provided to any party. Supplier will cooperate and work together with Amazon to formulate and execute a plan to rectify all confirmed Security Incidents.
2.6.2 To the extent permitted by applicable law, in the event Supplier receives a request or order from a governmental body (such as a subpoena, court order, or search warrant) seeking data that includes any Amazon Information, Supplier will provide sufficient notice to Amazon to enable Amazon to seek a protective order or other appropriate remedy.
2.7 General. 
Amazon retains sole discretion to make all applicable decisions under this Security Policy. Any list of examples following “including” or “e.g.” is illustrative and not exhaustive. All references to standards for security requirements under this Security Policy refer to the specified standards and their respective successor versions or equivalent versions, as they may be updated, unless Amazon specifies otherwise.