Containers and Serverless Recommendation Guide

Kubernetes on Amazon EC2 (“DIY K8s”)


Since you selected "I need to customized how the Kubernetes control plane is configured” we recommend Kubernetes on Amazon EC2 (“DIY K8s”) as the best place for you to start. 

What is Kubernetes on Amazon EC2 (“DIY K8s”)? 

Kubernetes is open-source software that allows you to deploy and manage containerized applications at scale. You can choose to manage Kubernetes infrastructure yourself with Amazon EC2 or get an automatically provisioned, managed Kubernetes control plane with Amazon EKS. Either way, you get powerful, community-backed integrations to AWS services like Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM), and service discovery as well as the security, scalability, and high-availability of AWS. Self-managing Kubernetes requires extensive resources and knowledge and is not common among most organizations. The majority of the organizations tend to leave this burden to AWS and adopt Amazon EKS.

Why are we recommending Kubernetes on Amazon EC2 (“DIY K8s”)? 

We strongly recommend against DIY K8s. Running Kubernetes on Amazon EC2 requires a dedicated developer team and resources. Most organizations would rather spend resources on innovating rather than maintaining so it’s recommended to consider Amazon EKS if you run Kubernetes rather than running Kubernetes yourself on Amazon EC2.

While this is our recommended starting point, other services could also suit your needs and you can always try a different service if your use case changes or if Kubernetes on Amazon EC2 (“DIY K8s”) does not seem optimal for your use case. 

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Let's get started with Kubernetes on Amazon EC2 (“DIY K8s”)

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Kubernetes on Amazon EC2

Using Kubernetes, you can run any type of containerized applications using the same toolset on-premises and in the cloud.

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Get started with Amazon EC2

Secure and resizable compute capacity for virtually any workload.

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Amazon EC2 features

Amazon EC2 provides the broadest and deepest instance choice to match your workload’s needs.