AWS RoboMaker releases rosbag upload cloud extension for Robot Operating System (ROS)

Posted on: Jul 9, 2020

AWS RoboMaker, a service that makes it easy to simulate and deploy robotics applications at cloud scale, today announced the S3 rosbag cloud extension for ROS Kinetic and Melodic distributions. This new cloud extension enables customers to easily configure and record data from robots as rosbags, and upload them to Amazon S3, which they can later use to analyze events, troubleshoot existing applications, and provide as inputs to AWS RoboMaker log-based simulation for regression testing.  

In the ROS ecosystem, rosbag is a common format to capture output messages such as sensor data and robot logs, and store the serialized message data in a bag file. The S3 rosbag cloud extension is available as an open source ROS package that customers can install as a ROS node on their robots. Using this cloud extension, customers can create, configure the duration and upload rosbags to Amazon S3 based on an event trigger. This makes it easy for the customers to get the sensor data or logs off the robot, and into the AWS cloud. Customers can also this extension to upload other files from their robots to S3.  

AWS RoboMaker is available in the following AWS Regions: US East (N. Virginia), US East (Ohio), US West (Oregon), EU (Ireland), EU (Frankfurt), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), and Asia Pacific (Singapore).  

For more details about the S3 rosbag cloud extension, and to get started, please see the and the AWS Robotics github page.