Amazon QuickSight launches persistence and cross dataset filters

Posted on: Nov 19, 2020

Amazon QuickSight launched enhancements to dashboard filtering experience. When readers slice and dice dashboards with filters, QuickSight will now persist filter selection until they return to the dashboard. Readers can pick up where they left off and do not have to re-select filters. Dashboard persistence is applicable to both QuickSight Web and the Mobile app. Persistence is an optional setting on embedded dashboards where QuickSight admins can choose to make dashboards persist using the getDashboardEmbedURL API. Persistence on web and mobile dashboards is available by default. To learn how to set up persistence on embedded dashboards, see here.

Additionally, with this launch, QuickSight now supports filtering across different data sets. Ad-hoc filters or filter controls on the sheet now filter across all visuals even if they are built from different data sets. QuickSight auto-maps fields across data sets by their name and type, and applies this mapping to filter on all mapped fields coming from multiple data sets.  See here to learn about cross data set filters.

These two features are available in both Enterprise and Standard Edition and in all QuickSight regions: US East (N. Virginia and Ohio), US West (Oregon), EU (Frankfurt, Ireland and London), Asia Pacific (Seoul, Singapore, Sydney and Tokyo), and US West (GovCloud).