Publication Date: 2024/06/11 09:00 AM PDT

AWS is aware of the issues described in CVE-2024-37293, relating to the open-source AWS Deployment Framework (ADF). These issues affect the bootstrap process that is responsible to deploy ADF's bootstrap stacks to facilitate multi-account cross-region deployments. The ADF bootstrap process relies on elevated privileges to perform this task. Two versions of the bootstrap process exist; a code-change driven pipeline using AWS CodeBuild and an event-driven state machine using AWS Lambda. If an actor has permissions to change the behavior of the CodeBuild project or the Lambda function, they would be able to escalate their privileges. We have addressed this issue in version 4.0 and above. We recommend that customers upgrade to the latest version immediately to help ensure defense in depth.

As a temporary mitigation, we recommend adding a permissions boundary to the roles created by ADF in the management account. The permissions boundary should deny all IAM and STS actions. This permissions boundary should be in place until you upgrade ADF or bootstrap a new account. While the permissions boundary is in place, the account management and bootstrapping of accounts are unable to create, update, or assume into roles. This mitigates the privilege escalation risk, but also disables ADF's ability to create, manage, and bootstrap accounts.

We would like to thank Xidian University for responsibly disclosing this issue to AWS.

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