Posted On: Nov 24, 2021

Now on EC2 Image Builder, customers can share their Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) with AWS Organizations and Organizational Units (OUs) in the image distribution phase of their build process. As their organization structure changes, customers no longer have to manually update AMI permissions for individual AWS accounts in their organization. Customers can create OUs within AWS Organizations and manage AMI permissions for AWS accounts within those OUs.

Customers can automate AMI sharing by adding their AWS Organization details in the distribution settings of the image build pipeline. When an AWS Organization is added to the pipeline distribution settings, EC2 Image Builder will share the new AMIs from the build pipeline to the specified AWS Organization.

Get started from the EC2 Image Builder Console, CLI, API, Cloud Formation, or CDK, and learn more in the EC2 Image Builder documentation. You can find information about AMI sharing on EC2 Image Builder with AWS Organizations on the service documentation page. Learn more about the AMI sharing in EC2 here.

You can also learn about upcoming EC2 Image Builder features on the public roadmap.