AWS 服務就緒計劃

驗證並推廣能與 AWS 服務搭配使用的軟體產品

什麼是 AWS 服務就緒計劃?

AWS 服務就緒計畫是一項 AWS 專業化計畫,旨在驗證 AWS 合作夥伴建置的、可與特定 AWS 服務搭配使用的軟體產品。這些軟體產品擁有完善的架構,遵循 AWS 最佳實務,且適應市場(包含客戶成功案例),通過了 AWS 合作夥伴解決方案架構師的技術驗證。

取得 AWS 服務就緒專業化,可協助 AWS 合作夥伴在全球推廣其軟體產品。透過此 AWS 專業化,您可以向客戶證明您的工具或應用程式有助於降低技術風險。

探索下方的權益成功案例如何開始使用AWS 服務就緒專業化




客戶將 AWS 專業化視為選擇合作夥伴的前三大標準。


客戶每年至少 2 次審查合作夥伴的供應商認證。


合作夥伴目前擁有或正積極建立產業專屬 IP,以解決客戶的問題。


Showing results: 1-5
Total results: 29


  • Retail

    VMEngine and AWS Help Yeppon to 40% Savings and 30% Faster Web Performance

    Italian ecommerce company Yeppon sells a range of goods from electronics to clothes and has a total inventory of over 400,000 items. In 7 years, it grew its sales from €1 million to €38.5 million but needed to improve its website to support its growth. The company turned to AWS Partner VMEngine for help with optimization, security, and automating processes to improve scalability. The migration cut 40 percent from IT costs while speeding up website performance by 30 percent.

  • Manufacturing

    Usiminas, with Enkel’s Support, Reduces R$ 9 Million in Transportation Costs by Optimizing Processes Through AWS Services

    Usiminas, supported by AWS Partner Enkel tackled significant challenges in freight pricing and route optimization within the steel industry. By developing a customized automation platform based on AWS services, the Brazilian steel company streamlined logistics processes, leading to a 14% reduction in costs and significant efficiency gains. The project not only cut delivery distances by 448,000 kilometers but also resulted in a notable decrease in CO2 emissions, avoiding the release of 1,577 metric tons. This project enhances Usiminas' market competitiveness and reinforces its commitment to environmental sustainability, demonstrating the positive impact of innovative solutions in the logistics sector.

  • Manufacturing

    Packstyle and Omnys Cut Fulfillment Times by 94% and Triple Production Rates Using AWS

    Italian startup Packstyle makes highly customizable flexible packaging for food and other products. It specializes in smaller orders and short production runs—this means that inefficiencies in its ordering system are keenly felt. After trying to develop a platform in-house, it turned to Amazon Web Services (AWS) and AWS Partner Omnys to build a modular, scalable production platform to match its highly specialized factory systems. Switching from manual, paper-based systems has transformed its business, doubled its production rate by making better use of its production facilities, cut order fulfillment times from 3 minutes to 10 seconds, and given all employees access to better data, which gives them a deeper understanding of Packstyle’s customers.

  • Varejo

    Com apoio da T-Systems, C&C migra e-commerce para nuvem AWS

    A C&C Casa e Construção, uma das maiores empresas varejistas do segmento de home center para pisos e revestimentos do Brasil, acaba de migrar sua operação de e-commerce para a nuvem AWS. Com a mudança, a operação – que movimenta mais de R$ 10 milhões mensais – teve sua estrutura reduzida de 19 servidores físicos para 7 servidores virtuais, agilizando o atendimento aos clientes e simplificando a gestão do ambiente e a possibilidade de poder contar com novos recursos em poucas horas, em processos que no ambiente anterior poderiam levar dias.

  • Retail

    Snoonu Embraces AWS for Savings, Security, and Generative AI with Zero&One

    Fast-growing Qatari tech company Snoonu migrated and consolidated key workloads and systems from multiple cloud providers to Amazon Web Services (AWS) to simplify staff operations, improve reliability, and save costs. The migration also gave the company the chance to re-engineer many workloads away from virtual machines and onto Kubernetes on AWS to take advantage of microservices architecture, reducing costs and minimizing management overhead. Snoonu is also using AWS machine learning services to automatically improve its inventory management and customer experience, and to reduce manual overheads.

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AWS 服務就緒專業化

識別最適合您軟體產品的 AWS 服務就緒專業化。您可以根據軟體產品使用的 AWS 服務,來申請一項或多項專業化。根據各種因素來選擇 AWS 服務就緒專業化,包括客戶對經驗證 AWS 合作夥伴軟體產品的高需求,以協助客戶解決 AWS 上的商業挑戰。

Amazon CloudFront Ready 合作夥伴

Amazon CloudFront Ready 合作夥伴在媒體管理、安全、監控和分析,以及內容加速領域,為 AWS 客戶提供專注於解決方案的服務。他們的產品有助於補充和增強現有的 AWS 服務,以協助客戶最佳化其對 Amazon CloudFront 的使用。

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AWS Graviton Ready 軟體產品

AWS Graviton Ready 軟體產品在以 AWS Graviton 為基礎的 Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) 執行個體上啟用,以協助整合、部署、監控和保護您的工作負載。AWS Graviton Ready 產品經過審核和最佳化,可在以 AWS Graviton 為基礎的執行個體上執行。

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AWS Lambda Ready 軟體產品

AWS Lambda Ready 軟體產品為 AWS Lambda 提供各種工具和整合,讓客戶能夠輕鬆建置無伺服器應用程式。他們提供應用程式定義、管理和部署的解決方案,以及延伸和整合功能執行時間和 API 的解決方案。

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Amazon Linux Ready 軟體產品在 Amazon Linux 上執行並獲得支援。透過執行 Amazon Linux 就緒產品,客戶可充分利用 AWS 提供的低成本企業級 Linux 作業系統。
AWS Outposts Ready 軟體產品與 AWS Outposts 部署整合,可協助客戶探索在 AWS Outposts 上經過測試的產品,並遵循 AWS 安全與架構最佳實務。
AWS PrivateLink Ready 軟體產品與 AWS PrivateLink 整合,可讓客戶以私密、安全的方式取用這些服務,確保其流量不會暴露在公有網際網路上。PrivateLink Ready 產品可跨帳戶、VPC 邊界和內部部署網路安全地進行存取,進而簡化網路基礎架構並增強安全性。

Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) Ready 軟體產品

Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) Ready 軟體產品包含與 Amazon RDS 整合的工具解決方案,其設計用於管理複雜且耗時的管理任務。此外,RDS Ready 產品還支援使用 Amazon RDS 平台做為跨七個 RDS 資料庫引擎 (包括 Aurora PostgreSQL、Aurora MySQL、PostgreSQL、MySQL、MariaDB、Oracle 和 SQL Server) 部署的商業應用程式的後端。

Amazon Redshift Ready 軟體產品與 Amazon Redshift 整合,可載入、轉換和分析資料、分享洞察,以及建構並實作分析平台。
AWS Control Tower 合作夥伴提供可與 Control Tower 功能互補的軟體解決方案,包括身分管理、多帳戶環境的安全性、集中式聯網、營運智慧、安全資訊和事件管理 (SIEM),以及成本管理。 

Amazon EC2 Spot Ready 軟體產品

Amazon EC2 Spot Ready 軟體產品可讓客戶充分利用 Amazon EC2 Spot,並且隨需節省最高 90% 的費用。Amazon EC2 Spot Ready 產品整合經過審核,遵循 AWS Spot 最佳實務,並支援在 Amazon EC2 Spot 執行個體上進行工作負載部署。

Amazon SageMaker Ready 軟體產品

Amazon SageMaker Ready 軟體產品可協助客戶在整個機器學習生命週期,順暢地執行使用案例。這些軟體產品已經過驗證,可遵循 AWS 最佳實務,進而為客戶帶來簡便性和易用性。 

AWS Web Application Firewall (WAF) Ready 產品 

AWS Web Application Firewall (WAF) Ready 產品為客戶提供簡單的解決方案,以部署和維護其應用程式層安全解決方案。AWS WAF Ready 軟體產品提供強大的 WAF 規則集和緩解工具,客戶可根據自己的特定應用程式使用案例進行選擇。   

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Amazon Connect Ready 合作夥伴

Amazon Connect Ready 合作夥伴已證明自己是創新聯絡中心體驗的業界領導者。透過 Amazon Connect Ready 合作夥伴實作軟體解決方案表面,專注於全通路客戶體驗/客服授權和生產力解決方案/分析、洞察與最佳化,以及提供支援業務敏捷性和創新的自助式組態和管理工具,藉此減輕客戶聯絡中心的壓力。 

Amazon EKS Ready 合作夥伴

Amazon EKS Ready 合作夥伴提供包括成本管理、監控和日誌記錄、安全性或聯網等軟體解決方案,以便客戶充分利用 Amazon EKS 的優勢,在混合使用案例上針對雲端執行容器化工作負載。

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Amazon Security Lake Ready 專業化合作夥伴

Amazon Security Lake Ready 專業化合作夥伴包括自動化整合,可將安全資料以所需格式置於 Amazon Security Lake,並提供網路安全產品,以存取客戶安全資料湖中的資料,從而帶來良好的安全結果。 

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