Amazon Elastic MapReduce Announces Support for cc2.8xlarge Instances, Reduced Pricing for cc1.4xlarge Instances
We are excited to announce Amazon Elastic MapReduce support for the new Amazon EC2 Cluster Compute instance, Cluster Compute Eight Extra Large (cc2.8xlarge). Like other Cluster Compute instances, cc2.8xlarge instances are optimized for high performance computing, giving customers very high CPU capabilities and the ability to launch instances within a high bandwidth, low latency, full bisection bandwidth network. cc2.8xlarge instances provide customers with more than 2.5 times the CPU performance of the first Cluster Compute instance (cc1.4xlarge) instance, more memory, and more local storage at a very compelling cost. Please visit the Instance Types section of the Amazon Elastic MapReduce detail page for more details.
In addition, we are pleased to announce an over 18% reduction in Amazon Elastic MapReduce pricing for cc1.4xlarge instances, dropping the total per hour cost to $1.57. Please visit the Amazon Elastic MapReduce pricing page for more details.