Posted On: Nov 5, 2013

We are pleased to announce that AWS CloudHSM is now available in the US West (Oregon) and Asia Pacific (Sydney) Regions. In addition, CloudHSM is now easier to deploy and integrate with your applications.

CloudHSM allows you to increase data security and meet compliance requirements by using dedicated Hardware Security Module (HSM) appliances within the AWS Cloud. With AWS CloudHSM, you maintain full ownership, control and access to keys and sensitive data while Amazon manages the HSM appliances in close proximity to your applications and data for maximum performance.

We’ve added new resources to make CloudHSM easier to use. A new AWS CloudFormation template makes it simple to configure your AWS environment and get started with the CloudHSM service.

AWS has partnered with SafeNet to provide application notes that give step-by-step instructions for integrating CloudHSM with third party software applications. The notes include applications that are frequently requested by AWS customers, including Oracle Database, Microsoft SQL Server, SafeNet ProtectV volume encryption for EBS, and Apache Web Server.

For more information about the CloudFormation template or the new application notes, please refer to the AWS CloudHSM Getting Started Guide.

AWS CloudHSM is available in US East (Northern Virginia), EU (Ireland), US West (Oregon), and Asia Pacific (Sydney). To learn more about AWS CloudHSM, visit the AWS CloudHSM detail page.