Posted On: Apr 22, 2014

We are pleased to announce that you can now add tags to your AWS Elastic Beanstalk environments. A tag consists of a user-defined key and value. Tags added to your environment are automatically propagated to underlying resources that make up your Elastic Beanstalk environment, such as Amazon EC2 instances, Auto Scaling groups, etc. Tagged resources allow you to view your AWS usage based on your business dimensions (such as cost centers, application names, or owners). With cost allocation reports, you can also track your AWS costs by tag.

Elastic Beanstalk automatically adds preset tags to your EC2, RDS and Auto Scaling resources. These preset tags contain the environment name and ID. Additionally, you can specify your custom tags at the environment level and have them propagate to all underlying resources which support tagging.

For more information about AWS Elastic Beanstalk please visit the product page, read the documentation or watch this introductory video. For more information, see Tagging Your Environments.