Posted On: Jul 30, 2015

Redis 2.8.21

We are pleased to announce that Amazon ElastiCache now supports Redis version 2.8.21. Customers can launch new clusters with Redis 2.8.21, as well as upgrade existing ones to the new engine version.

For the full list of improvements in Redis 2.8.21 click here. You can easily launch an ElastiCache for Redis cluster with engine version 2.8.21 via a few clicks on the AWS Management Console.

Auto-Discovery for PHP 5.6

Amazon ElastiCache now supports Cluster Client for PHP 5.6. This can be downloaded from the Amazon ElastiCache Console under the “ElastiCache Cluster Client” tab. For details on installing the client, please see here. For more information about Node Auto Discovery please see here.

We have also open sourced the code of the Amazon ElastiCache Cluster Client for PHP. It is available on our GitHub repository here. For instructions on compiling the Cluster Client please see here.