Posted On: Sep 15, 2015

We are pleased to announce that Elastic Load Balancing now supports all ports as well as additional Access Log fields that improve your visibility into application request traffic.

Load balancers within a VPC no longer limit the available ports but allow for any port, between 1 and 65535, to be specified. As a result, Elastic Load Balancing can now be used together with applications and protocols that require a specific port to be used.

To learn more, visit

Access Logs, which provides request-level logging, now supports three additional fields, namely user_agent, ssl_cipher and ssl_protocol. The user_agent string identifies the client where the request originated while the ssl_cipher and ssl_protocol fields identify the SSL/TLS cipher and protocol negotiated between the client and load balancer. These fields improve application monitoring and visibility and can be used to understand the potential impact of a change to the load balancer's SSL/TLS ciphers and protocols before impacting clients.

To learn more, visit