Posted On: Nov 18, 2015
Amazon VPC Endpoints for S3 is now available in US GovCloud Region. Amazon VPC endpoints are easy to configure and provide reliable connectivity to Amazon S3 without requiring an internet gateway or a Network Address Translation (NAT) instance. With VPC endpoints, the data between the VPC and S3 is transferred within the Amazon network, helping protect your instances from internet traffic.
Amazon VPC Endpoints for Amazon S3 provides two additional security controls to help limit access to S3 buckets. You can now require that requests to your S3 buckets originate from a VPC using a VPC endpoint. Additionally, you can control what buckets, requests, users, or groups are allowed through a specific VPC endpoint.
Amazon VPC Endpoints for Amazon S3 is available in the US Standard, US West (Oregon), US West (N. California), EU (Ireland), EU (Frankfurt), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Sydney), and US GovCloud regions.
To learn more about Amazon VPC endpoints for S3, visit Using VPC Endpoints.