Posted On: Oct 4, 2016

We are pleased to announce that you can now use the AWS Schema Conversion Tool to copy your existing database schema from a legacy database to a new database on EC2 or RDS for homogeneous replications. The conversion engine has also been enhanced to offer even more automated conversions should you wish to switch from a commercial database to a cloud-native, open-source solution.

AWS Schema Conversion Tool will now analyze your database and highlight features that may not be available on some target platforms, and at the same time evaluate the features you are using and let you know if you could switch to a more economical version of your current database engine. For more information about AWS Schema Conversion Tool please visit the DMS homepage or review the SCT documentation.

The latest version of the AWS Schema Conversion Tool for the development platform of your choice can always be downloaded from the following locations: Windows, Mac, Fedora, Ubuntu.