Posted On: Nov 14, 2016

These two new Quick Starts automatically deploy Consul and Vault, which are two popular DevOps tools from HashiCorp, Inc., on the AWS Cloud. The Quick Starts were created by AWS solutions architects in collaboration with HashiCorp, to integrate solutions and services from both companies. 

HashiCorp Consul provides service discovery and configuration. It also includes health checking, a key/value store, and supports multiple datacenters. 

HashiCorp Vault centrally secures, stores, and tightly controls access to secrets across distributed infrastructure and applications. 

Each Quick Start builds the AWS infrastructure and deploys the HashiCorp solution on AWS in approximately 10 minutes. The AWS environment consists of a virtual private cloud (VPC) that spans three Availability Zones and includes public and private subnets. The Consul Quick Start deploys a Seed Consul Server and a Seed Client along with two Auto Scaling groups so additional servers and clients can be created at launch. The Vault Quick Start builds on the Consul environment with two Vault nodes. Vault uses Consul DNS to discover and integrate with Consul. 

The deployment and configuration tasks are automated by AWS CloudFormation templates that you can customize during launch.  

Quick Starts are automated reference deployments for key workloads on the AWS Cloud. Each Quick Start launches, configures, and runs the AWS compute, network, storage, and other services required to deploy a specific workload on AWS, using AWS best practices for security and availability. This is the latest in a series of Quick Starts built by AWS in collaboration with AWS partners to automate the deployment of popular products and technologies on AWS. 

To get started with HashiCorp products on AWS, use the following resources:

View architecture and details:

Use the deployment guides for step-by-step deployment and configuration instructions:

See the full catalog of Quick Start reference deployments from AWS and from AWS partners