Posted On: May 23, 2017

For tape gateway users, you can now retrieve archived virtual tapes into your Virtual Tape Library (VTL) in as little as 3-5 hours. Prior to this launch, tape retrieval could take up to 24 hours. This faster access can help you speed up recovery of archived data. Additionally, to help you manage your virtual tapes, we have enhanced the tape gateway console and API to show the date and time a tape was created, and the amount of data written to each virtual tape.

For volume gateway users, you can now clone cached volumes. The cloning feature allows you to use the Storage Gateway Console or API to create a full copy of a cached volume from any cached volume in the same region. This simplified copy process reduces the time to copy volumes, which is especially important in disaster recovery scenarios.

These new features are available to all customers. For existing gateways, a software update will be applied automatically during your next scheduled weekly maintenance. You can also apply the update manually through the AWS Management Console or service API. For a list of regions where Storage Gateway is available, click here. For more details and information on AWS Storage Gateway, see our User Guide.