Posted On: Aug 3, 2017

Today, AWS Marketplace released new feature enhancements to the Seller Self-Service Listings feature, a web-based interface that lets AWS Marketplace software vendors manage their product listings through the AWS Marketplace Management Portal (AMMP). SaaS software vendors that have product listings in AWS Marketplace can now use Self-Service Listings to upload new SaaS Contract products, or make changes to their SaaS Subscriptions and SaaS Contracts product listings, including updating product metadata and making pricing changes. In addition, Self-Service Listings now enables sellers to sunset their AMI or SaaS listings.

Self-Service Listings offer workflow and collaboration tools that make AWS Marketplace product listings easier to track and manage. Vendors can use the Self-Service Listings tools to save listings in progress, collaborate internally on product listing creation, track their request status and history, and more.

If you are a software vendor and would like to list your software products for sale on AWS Marketplace, please visit our Sell on AWS Marketplace page to learn more. If you are already an AWS Marketplace software vendor, you can log in to AMMP and navigate to the “Listings” tab to get started with Self-Service Listings.