Posted On: Sep 5, 2017

Amazon EC2 instances now provide a maximum bandwidth of 25 Gbps. This feature is available on the largest instance sizes of the M4, X1, P2, R4, I3, F1, and G3 instance types. Using Elastic Network Adapter (ENA) based Enhanced Networking, customers can utilize up to 25 Gbps of bandwidth. All of these instances, including those already running, can take advantage of the additional network bandwidth without any additional steps. 

ENA is a custom networking interface designed and built by AWS to provide high throughput, consistently low latency, improved packet per second (PPS) performance and scalability as available network bandwidth increases without needing to install new drivers or requiring configuration updates. ENA driver is installed in the latest Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) for the following operating systems: Amazon Linux, Ubuntu 14.04 and 16.04, RHEL 7.4, SLES 12, Windows Server 2008R2, 2012, 2012R2 and 2016. ENA Linux driver source code is also available on for developers to integrate in their AMIs.