Posted On: Sep 19, 2017

AWS Mobile Hub has released a React Native starter project with a Deploy to Mobile Hub button that leverages recently released functionality to configure an entire backend for mobile applications with a single click.

The included AWS Mobile Hub configuration includes a functioning Serverless backend that allows users to sign-up and sign-in using Amazon Cognito User Pools and Federated Identities including MFA support. Users can store content in Amazon S3 which is secured on a per-user basis and the starter application demonstrates how to track these in an Amazon DynamoDB table that is accessed via Amazon API Gateway and AWS Lambda.

The starter can be fully customized and React Native Higher Order Components (HOCs) are provided for developers to use in their own applications. The React Native starter kit is released with an Open Source license. Read more in our blog post here

AWS Mobile Hub enables you to select the region in which your project's resources will be created. For more information about AWS regions, see Regions and Endpoints.